三废排放量用英语怎么说 三废排放量英语翻译

三废排放量用英语怎么说 三废排放量英语翻译

三废排放量的英语是"the three wastes",还网络中常译为"total release",在《中小学生词典》中,共找到97个与三废排放量相关的译文和例句。


1. the three wastes

三废排放量翻译为the three wastes。

示例:Unfettered in the wild wastes,


2. total release

三废排放量翻译为total release。

示例:You shoot a total stranger?
You shoot a total stranger?


3. mass emission

三废排放量翻译为mass emission。

示例:The steady emission of heat energy causes the black holes to lose mass
这种稳定的热辐射 The steady emission of heat energy 会导致黑洞损失质量 causes the black holes to lose mass


4. unit discharge

三废排放量翻译为unit discharge。

示例:Every discharge from the unit was a moment of jubilation.



1. mass emission(质量排放量)

2. total release(总排放量)

3. unit discharge(单位排放量)

4. the three wastes(三废)

5. three wastes(三废)


1. We can do more work to really bring it down so that by the end of the century, it's not much more than there is now.

译文:我们还能做更多来减少排放量, 使我们到本世纪末的时候, 排放量不比现在多。

2. CO2 emissions have dramatically increased in...

译文:二氧化碳排放量 大幅增加...。

3. Green carbon, which is the deforestation and agricultural emissions, and blue carbon together comprise 25 percent of our emissions.

译文:“绿碳排放” --即森林减退和农业排放-- 与“蓝碳排放” 加起来占了总碳排放量的25%。

4. What this shows is that the rate of growth of our emissions is accelerating.


5. But from now on, we count per capita.


6. But in fact, they're growing faster.


7. Los Angeles cleaned up its port, which was 40 percent of carbon emissions, and as a result got rid of about 20 percent of carbon.

译文:洛杉矶清理了它的港口 也就是说原40%的碳排放量 被减少为20%的碳排放量。

8. So in other words, if we don't reduce emissions in the short to medium term, then we'll have to make more significant year-on-year emission reductions.

译文:也就是说,如果我们不减少 中短期的排放量, 那就必须在未来更为显著地 减少年同比排放量。

9. But in fact, they're growing faster.


10. For each American, it's about 20 tons.


11. And what's immediately striking about this is that emissions have been growing exponentially.

译文:值得注意的是, 排放量在以指数级增长。

12. ♪ And even our regulatory agencies here in Texas didn't seem to know what was being emitted.

译文:德州即使当局 不知道的排放量。

13. it's not doing too well. We've over-issued.


14. "Will China take responsibility for their emissions?"


15. Carbon-dioxide emission, metric ton per capita.


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