前庭瓣用英语怎么说 前庭瓣的英语翻译

前庭瓣用英语怎么说 前庭瓣的英语翻译

前庭瓣的英语可以这样说:valvulae vestibuli,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到45个与前庭瓣相关的释义和例句。


1. valvulae vestibuli


1. valvulae vestibuli([医] 前庭瓣(胎儿右心房静脉瓣))

2. front yard(前庭)

3. antecourt(前庭)

4. vestibular sense( 前庭觉;前庭感觉;前庭本体觉)

5. Facies vestibularis(前庭面)


nasal vestibule mucous membrane flap ( 鼻前庭黏膜皱襞瓣 )

Nasal vestibular triangular flap ( 鼻前庭三角瓣法 )


1. The King is dead. Long live the King.

译文:瓣?盰 瓣窾烦。

2. is there any particular imperialist country you have in mind, there, Frenchie?

译文:みいΤ⊿Τ疭﹚ 瓣竡瓣产㎡琌猭瓣盾 - ぃぃ琌。

3. if Qin was defeated, why would they have dared to come to Zhao?

译文:ê瓣ゴ毖 临幢化瓣ㄓ。

4. it's the Zhao men who killed 400,000 Qin men overnight.


5. All Thais have Eight-faced Buddha's symbol tattooed on them

译文:瓣ō常Τ ︱ō。

6. how our Zhao army defeated the Qin.


7. The Constitution of the United States, against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

译文:и瓣舅猭粆 ゴち寄 ぃ恨琌瓣临琌セ瓣。

8. Our Qin men killed 400,000 Zhao men overnight.

译文:и瓣 丁炳窾化瓣 糃ぃㄏ。

9. Being in your country, a free country, he could speak freely.

译文:瓣产,パ瓣产 篫┮饼ē。

10. The King is... (All)... not dead.


11. Please move to the vestibule.


12. The U.S. nuclear arsenal is capable of destroying each of your countries 14 times over.

译文:瓣?畐 ìр–瓣产反防14Ω。

13. (All) Long live the King. The King is probably dead.

译文:瓣窾烦 瓣?盰。

14. This is a fact the United States and the rest of the world have never understood.

译文:硂琌瓣のㄤ瓣 临⊿秆ㄆ龟。

15. if they can't locate him, that means he's probably already here.

译文:狦瓣⊿ ê竒肩и瓣。

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