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女娲造人用英语怎么说 女娲造人英语翻译

女娲造人用英语翻译为"Nv Wa creates human beings",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到53个与女娲造人相关的翻译和例句。


1. Nv Wa creates human beings

女娲造人翻译为Nv Wa creates human beings。

示例:i know Principal Flutie would have said kids need understanding, kids are human beings.
kids are human beings.



1. mandroid( 超能再造人)

2. talent agent( 铸造人才猎头;星探;铸造人才代理)

3. made man( 成功的人;人造人;好汉)

4. sebastan( 人造人西巴斯坦)

5. inventor and creator(发明人和创造人)


1. Knowing how to build a human may ultimately be less important than what we do with that knowledge.

译文:懂得构造人类的知识 始终比懂得制造人类来得重要。

2. Welcome to the world of engineers.


3. Gaea wants to make Bioroids truly live.


4. Goddess Nuwa seeing the Palace of Heaven ruins badly


5. The Lord above made man To 'elp his neighbor


6. Engineers are our enemies!


7. This man was born out of Nuwa's crystals

译文:他源于女娲娘娘 幻化而成的仙石。

8. Have you forgotten the mission of the Bioroids?


9. Life experiences that not only shape the person's personality and psychological needs but also their very brains in certain ways.

译文:生活经历不仅塑造人的个性和心理需求 也塑造人的大脑 用于不同方面。

10. And i'm pretty sure we made Rosemary's baby.

译文:我很确定 我们造人了。

11. The same number of days it took to create it.


12. Culture does not make people, people make culture.

译文:文化不会塑造人, 人创造文化。

13. it's definitely an engineer..


14. Uh, the doctor says they're not just three men on a...

译文:医生说 它们不但能造人 --。

15. The engineer hunter.... ...has become an engineer, huh?

译文:改造人猎人... . ...居然变成了改造人。

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