快来告诉我用英语怎么说 快来告诉我英语翻译

快来告诉我用英语怎么说 快来告诉我英语翻译

快来告诉我用英语说"you tell me",还经常被译作let me know,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到89个与快来告诉我相关的释义和例句。


1. you tell me

快来告诉我翻译为you tell me。

示例:Don't tell me you agree with me
Don't tell me you agree with me


2. let me know

快来告诉我翻译为let me know。

示例:if anyone gives you any trouble, you let me know.
you let me know.


3. tell me about

快来告诉我翻译为tell me about。

示例:That's some instinct. Yeah, tell me about it.
tell me about it.


4. tell me

快来告诉我翻译为tell me。

示例:You in my arms i just wanted to hold ♪
♪And tell me now♪



1. tell me(告诉我)

2. you tell me( 你告诉我;你告诉我呀;你告诉我答案)

3. shout me( 告诉我)

4. tell me about(告诉我关于…)

5. let me know( 告诉我;让我知道;请告诉我)


1. ♪ Tell me why ♪ Tell me where


2. Tell me, tell me, tellmetellmetellme!


3. But i have proof, Siddharth Dhanrajgir..

译文:告诉我们 告诉我们 告诉我们。

4. - T ell me. is everything...?


5. You tell me. You tell me now.

译文:告诉我 现在就告诉我。

6. HORN HONKS AS ENGiNE REVS Allez, allez, allez, allez.

译文:快来 快来 快来 快来。

7. Like, when i was seven, he taught me how to play gin rummy.


8. ♪ tell me, tell me, baby ♪


9. Well, hit me. Lay it on me.


10. Tell me, dude. Tell me, dude.

译文:告诉我 伙计 告诉我。

11. Tell me where it hurts. Tell me where it hurts. Tell me where...

译文:告诉我哪儿疼,告诉我哪儿疼 告诉我...。

12. Come here, come here, come here! See... didn't i tell you?

译文:快来 快来啊 看见了么 我不是告诉你们了么。

13. Tell me, tell me the erotic details!

译文:告诉我 告诉我黄色细节。

14. Tell me. Tell me that you love me.


15. Tell me. Tell me, tell me, tell me....

译文:告诉我 告诉我 告诉我 告诉我...。

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