车载记录仪的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为vehicle data recorder -,还网络中常译为" Vehicle Data Recorder",在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到79个与车载记录仪相关的短语翻译和用法。
1. vehicle data recorder -
车载记录仪翻译为 vehicle data recorder -。
Then this paper elaborates software and hardware design of the vehicle recorder system. System includes the GPS data collection, GPRS part, display and communications with PC etc.
2. Vehicle Data Recorder
车载记录仪翻译为 Vehicle Data Recorder。
示例:- Sound effects on a tape recorder.
- Sound effects on a tape recorder.
3. CaroO Pro
车载记录仪翻译为 CaroO Pro。
示例:if you look at Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, they started by selling a Blue Box, which was a thing designed to defraud the phone company.
-was taking a pro
4. vehicle data recorder
车载记录仪翻译为vehicle data recorder。
示例:- Sound effects on a tape recorder.
- Sound effects on a tape recorder.
1. grapher recording meter(记录仪)
2. display recorder([仪] 显示记录仪)
3. dashcam(行车记录仪 )
4. drilling recorder unit(钻井记录仪)
5. evaporigraph(蒸发记录仪)
Vehicle-borne ( 车载图像记录仪 )
vehicle borne video recorder ( 车载视频记录仪 )
1. i pull over slowly under the brightest streetlight i can find in case i need witnesses or dashcam footage.
译文:我慢慢地靠边停车, 停在我所能找到的最亮的街灯下, 以防我需要目击证人或者 要看行车记录仪里的视频。
2. Our techs found the quinjet's flight recorder.
译文:技术人员找到了昆式战斗机的飞行记录仪 Our techs found the Quinjet's flight recorder.。
3. This is from Schultz's bodycam last week.
译文:What do you got? 这是上周Schultz的执法记录仪记录下来的 This is from Schultz's bodycam last week.。
4. Could someone else have accessed their bodycam footage?
译文:还会有别人可以拿到 Could someone else have accessed 他们的执法记录仪录像吗? their bodycam footage。
5. How do we know she's not dead already?
6. She wants to see her ship and secure the flight recorder.
译文:她要看看飞船 找到飞行记录仪。
7. To share this information with you, i wore one of the early consumer-based EEG devices like this one, which recorded the electrical activity in my brain in real time.
译文:为了和你们分享这些信息, 我戴上了早期的面向 消费者的脑电图记录仪。就像这个, 它能实时记录我的脑电波活动。
8. i bet, CVR is on Wednesday.
9. They knew Brooklyn Six-Five's bodycams were being used for blackmail.
译文:他们只知道布鲁克林65辖区的执法记录仪录像 They knew Brooklyn Six -Five's bodycams 被用来敲诈别人 were being used for blackmail.。
10. i can protect these trees Against greedy lumber companies And bad campers who start forest wildfires.
译文:我可以保护这片森林从记录仪 cenutrios露营和篝火制作。
11. The polygraph showed deception.
12. CL: That was recorded in the scanner, by the way.
译文:CL:顺便提一句, 这是从扫描仪里记录的。
13. ALiCiA: Event data recorder.
14. As i hook them up, we're going to be able to see a signal on the screen here.
译文:当我连接上之后, 我们可以看到有信号 显示在记录仪屏幕上。
15. And it's been suggested that basking sharks would make fantastic indicators of climate change, because they're basically continuous plankton recorders swimming around with their mouth open.
译文:而姥鲨资源的减少 是反应气候变化的指标 因为事实上它们是浮游生物的“记录仪” 总是张着大嘴在海中遨游。