今古奇闻用英语怎么说 今古奇闻英语翻译

今古奇闻用英语怎么说 今古奇闻英语翻译

今古奇闻的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为  Heritage anecdote,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到60个与今古奇闻相关的释义和例句。


1.   Heritage anecdote

今古奇闻翻译为   Heritage anecdote。

示例:- was that just an anecdote?
- 那不也只是个故事么?



1. anecdota(轶事 奇闻 秘史 的变形)

2. wondermonger(n. 喜用新奇物品者;爱说奇闻轶事者)

3. yarns(n. 纱( yarn的名词复数 ); 纱线; 奇闻漫谈; 旅行轶事)

4. wondermongering(wondermonger\n['wʌndə,mɔndʒə]\nn.\n喜用新奇物品者\n爱说奇闻轶事者)

5. story teller(na. 讲故事的人;小说作者;好讲逸话奇闻的人;〈口〉说谎的人\n 说书人;故事讲述者;说故事者)


1. Fabulous, colorful, anecdotal stories.


2. He came over last night with some pretty good news and we weren't very supportive.

译文:他昨晚带着惊天奇闻而来 可我们却不怎么支持他。

3. - internet. On the weird sightings forum.

译文:网上 一个奇闻论坛。

4. Wine, cheese, talk about old times, trade hilarious anecdotes of the good old days.

译文:酒,芝士,畅谈旧时 再次换来过去那风花雪月 充满奇闻轶事的欢乐时光。

5. i was wondering if i might trouble you for a cup of strong black coffee and in the process, engage you with an anecdote of no small amusement.

译文:我正在想能否麻烦你 给我来一杯浓的原味黑咖啡 然后在你煮咖啡的过程里 我答应你,会给你讲些非常 好玩有趣的奇闻轶事。

6. But patiently, very reasonably, Mister Rogers makes the case why good quality children's broadcasting, the kinds of television programs that talk about the drama that arises in the most ordinary of families, matters to all of us.

译文:但凭着耐心,理智,罗杰斯先生解释了 为什么高质量的儿童节目, 那些讲述出现在多数普通家庭中的 奇闻逸事的电视节目, 对我们所有人都至关重要。

7. Maybe the ponies in Ponyville have interesting things to talk about?


8. instead of playing the guitar, he'd just tell weird, historical anecdotes?

译文:他不弹吉他 却给姑娘们讲古怪的历史奇闻轶事。

9. Well, that was interesting, all right.


10. it is in my nature to comment on the bizarre and unusual things i see in the world, like that convulsion you call a golf swing.

译文:我天生就爱评论奇怪的事情 以及世上的奇闻异事 例如你称自己打高尔夫的挥杆叫抖杆。

11. Hey, guys. i just got the most amazing new...

译文:嘿 大伙们 我有惊世奇闻...。

12. - it's curious though, isn't it?

译文:- 真是奇闻 对吧? - 不 这不奇怪 - It's curious though, isn't it。

13. What are these people doing?

译文:就会发布一些青少年的奇闻异事 恩。

14. Apparently he's gonzo, out of here, got a whiff of something he couldn't pass up.

译文:很显然 他奇闻趣事 离开这里 Apparently he's gonzo, out of here, 得到了味儿东西 他不能错过。got a whiff of something he couldn't pass up.。

15. Ah, strange story. Let me present my wife. My ex-wife that is.

译文:啊 奇闻 让我介绍我妻子 那是我前妻。

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