王玉红用英语怎么说 王玉红的英语翻译

王玉红用英语怎么说 王玉红的英语翻译

王玉红的英语是"rubicene",还经常被译作pigment rubine R,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到56个与王玉红相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. rubicene

2. pigment rubine R

王玉红翻译为pigment rubine R。

示例:Trace under Jojo's fingernail was a mix of opacifiers, alkali and white pigment.
alkali and white pigment.


3. dracorubin

4. azorubine


1. dracorubin(龙玉红)

2. rubidine(玉红啶)

3. azorubine(偶氮玉红)

4. pigment rubine R(颜料玉红R)

5. rubicene([化] 玉红省)


Hong Ngoc Dynastie ( 红玉王朝酒店 )


1. Out of Kick-Ass and Red Mist, who do you think would win in a fight?

译文:海扁王跟红旋风打 你觉得谁能赢。

2. Wang Hong: Aaaah, i feel sick. i have a stomachache.


3. On Cultural Connotation of Jade Dragon, Jade Eagle, Jade Turtle and Jade Plate Unearthed in Lingjiatan


4. California soon go bankrupt.

译文:贾 宝 玉 校 对: 贾 宝 玉。

5. Bring me down to him quickly


6. it was the kind of pioneering spirit she was to display when building her own companies.


7. if we like someone we give them our hearts and make them kings, and if we don't like someone then tomatoes.

译文:如果我们喜欢某人 我们会托付我们的心 使他们为王 字幕OCR: 贾 宝 玉 字幕校对: 贾 宝 玉。

8. it's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs Yu, Ms Yu.


9. Tong Xiang Yu, you cannot go

译文:佟湘玉 湘玉 玉。

10. Because i have a job, right?

译文:贾 宝 玉 校 对: 贾 宝 玉。

11. i'll get back the golden body


12. Objective: To establish a HPLC method of indirubin in Folium isatidis.


13. Ta Chung has suffered a wrongful death i have to save him no matter what


14. if Master Wang weren't leaving, he could start calling on Jade.


15. Red seven, red seven, red seven!

译文:- 散开! 红七,红七,红七。

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