乘势用英语怎么说 乘势的英语翻译

乘势用英语怎么说 乘势的英语翻译

乘势的英语翻译是"  die Gunst der Stunde nutzen",还网络中常译为"avail oneself of",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到24个与乘势相关的短语翻译和用法。


1.   die Gunst der Stunde nutzen

乘势翻译为   die Gunst der Stunde nutzen。

Since better men than you are dead, and you step into their shoes, said Mr Osborne, in that sarcastic tone which he sometimes was pleased to assume.


2. avail oneself of

乘势翻译为avail oneself of。

Love is what gives bliss. The peace. The happiness to die for.



Ride on the momentum ride on ( 乘势而上 )

Side Mount ( 侧骑乘势 )

Opportunist ( 乘势攻击 )

Wuhan Finance Monthly ( 整体处置乘势而上 )

multiplying potentiometer ( 乘法电势计 )

power trendline machtstrendlijn ( 乘幂趋势线 )


1. You can either lean into it and work it for all it's worth...

译文:你可以乘势而上 因为一切都值得...。

2. And then you, uh... ride the wave.

译文:然后,呃, 乘势而起。

3. And so Americans rose to the occasion and what we did was we reformed surveillance law.

译文:于是美国人乘势而起, 改革了监控法。

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