夹克衫用英语怎么说 夹克衫的英语翻译

夹克衫用英语怎么说 夹克衫的英语翻译

夹克衫在英语中的翻译是"  Blazer",还可以翻译为  blouson-m,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到37个与夹克衫相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   Blazer

夹克衫翻译为   Blazer。

The jacket was worn at the elbows.


2.   blouson-m

夹克衫翻译为   blouson-m。

One of his jackets hung from a hook.


3.   jacket

夹克衫翻译为   jacket。

I'll take the grey jacket.


4. jacket


示例:Don't dream that a black jacket
Don't dream that a black jacket



1. blazer(轻便夹克衫 )

2. windbreaker(防风夹克衫 )

3. windcheater(防风夹克衫 )

4. jacke( 外套帽衫;夹克衫;护封)

5. lumber jacket(短夹克衫[亦称作 lumberjack])


lumber jacket ( 短夹克衫 )

chamois skin jacket suede leather jacket ( 麂皮夹克衫 )

Amp Hybrid ( 运动夹克衫 )

a jacket a jacket-shirt ( 一件夹克衫 )

suede collar jacket ( 仿麂皮领夹克衫 )

a nice jacket ( 一件好看的夹克衫 )

JIORJASS ( 法国乔治爵士夹克衫 )

This jacket is really beautiful ( 这件夹克衫真美 )

whose new jackets ( 谁的新夹克衫 )


1. Maybe, ifyou had a jacket, but white just won't do.

译文:您要是有夹克衫也许可以 但白色决不行。

2. i found something the other day, in one of my father's old jackets.

译文:前天我在我父亲的 一件旧夹克衫里找到一些东西。

3. Say, i, uh, like that jacket.

译文:听着 我很喜欢那件夹克衫。

4. And we need a-a reversible Planet Hollywood jacket too.


5. Here you are. Bring your babies back tomorrow and i'll give them jackets.

译文:给你明天带你的孩子来 我会给他们些夹克衫。

6. This is one of four jackets worn by Steve McQueen in The Great Escape.

译文:这件是在电影《大逃亡》里 (xx年代著名的好莱坞硬汉派影星) 史蒂夫・麦奎因穿着的毛皮夹克衫。

7. Miranda decided to kill the autumn jacket story for September.

译文:安吉丽雅 马琳达决定 取消xx月的秋季夹克衫报道。

8. Well, i'm going now... i'll just get my jacket from downstairs.


9. - is that a Members Only jacket? - Yes.

译文:- 这是只有会员才有的夹克衫吗。

10. i think we need a jacket here.


11. i'm talking about the fact that you're walking around this fleet wearing that jacket, and, more importantly, that face.

译文:你就穿着夹克衫在军舰上走来走去 还有,更重要的是,你这张脸,很容易被认出来。

12. Are you wearing a tan jacket, like, a spring jacket, and a hoodie?

译文:你是不是正穿着一件皮夹克 是一件单夹克还有一件连帽衫...。

13. it's the jacket, Glad, i'm talkin' about. The jacket! See what it says?

译文:格德 我是说那件夹克衫 夹克 你看里面是怎么说的。

14. He's got long hair. it comes over his eyes.


15. The stitching suggests that maybe it's from some kind of garment, like a jacket or a sleeping bag.

译文:从针脚来看 像是外衣的一部分 夹克衫或者睡袋。

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