尿酸胆汁用英语怎么说 尿酸胆汁英语翻译

尿酸胆汁用英语怎么说 尿酸胆汁英语翻译



1. uricocholia


Creatinine, total bile acid decreased, uric acid decreased significantly to little.



1. uricocholia([医] 尿酸胆汁)

2. bile(胆汁 )

3. choleria(胆汁型 胆汁质)

4. biliary(胆汁的 )

5. bilious(胆汁的 )


uricocholia ( 尿酸胆汁症 医 )


1. it contains super rich hyaluronic acid, Akatsuki.

译文:它含有超丰富的玻尿酸 晓。

2. You'd puke your guts out at the sight of a dead man.


3. Blood sugar's three times norm... phosphorus and uric acid are off the charts.

译文:血糖高于正常三倍 亚磷酸和尿酸也很高。

4. Liver of blaspheming Jew, gall of goat and slips of yew.

译文:杀犹太人摘其肝 剖山羊胆汁潺潺。

5. Um, i need you to take my 3:00 lap chole. - Oh, i can't. i have the intern appy.


6. High cholesterol, high blood pressure, uric acid build up... uneven heartbeat and unbalanced hormones.

译文:高胆固醇,高血压,尿酸过高... 心跳不整及心律不平衡。

7. How's your cholestrol level?


8. Rising like the bile that leaves that bitter taste at the back of our throats.

译文:它像胆汁一样泛上我们的喉头, 留下丝丝苦味。

9. But look at my uric acid level.


10. Puking up the old er... luminous green bile.

译文:直到吐出来 绿色的胆汁。

11. First, the pancreas pumps out juice that neutralizes the stomach acid then bile from the liver breaks down the fat into tiny droplets

译文:首先,胰腺分泌胰液,来中和胃酸 接着肝脏分泌的胆汁,会把脂肪分解成微粒。

12. And it came down to something called gout, which, as a result of kidney breakdown is actually uric acid crystals throughout the body, and worse in the joints, which made the gharial unable to swim.

译文:最后我们发现祸根是痛风病, 由于肾功能衰竭, 体内尿酸结晶, 尤其是在关节处, 最终导致长吻鄂不能游泳。

13. And eat lots of sheep bile.

译文:还要多喝点羊胆汁 And eat lots of sheep bile.。

14. First you get real sick, start puking up your guts, and then blood.

译文:起初你会感到非常不适 开始吐胆汁,然后吐血。

15. Uric acid crystals in the joints?


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