人均碳排放量在英语中的翻译是"unit discharge",还可以翻译为low emission vehicle,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到32个与人均碳排放量相关的译文和例句。
1. unit discharge
人均碳排放量翻译为unit discharge。
示例:We're discharge to the nearest secured unit to your location.
2. low emission vehicle
人均碳排放量翻译为low emission vehicle。
示例:All right, and are they attempting to steal the vehicle? What?
and are they attempting to steal the vehicle?
3. total release
人均碳排放量翻译为total release。
示例:And try to release that pressure
And try to release that pressure
4. relative emission index
人均碳排放量翻译为relative emission index。
示例:You just find a beach and...
Relative of yours?
1. mass emission(质量排放量)
2. total release(总排放量)
3. unit discharge(单位排放量)
4. low emission vehicle(低排放量汽车)
5. relative emission index(相对排放量指数)
1. And that's because of cumulative emissions, or the carbon budget.
译文:这是基于积累排放量, 或是碳预算的结果。
2. There is a carbon calculator.
3. (Laughter) The biggest part of my personal carbon footprint is my travel.
译文:(大笑) 我最大的碳排放量就是旅行。
4. it's an average of about five tons for everyone on the planet.
5. ♪ And even our regulatory agencies here in Texas didn't seem to know what was being emitted.
译文:德州即使当局 不知道的排放量。
6. We are doing the sequestration of about 100,000 tons of carbon with these trees.
译文:因为这些树木,我们抵扣了 大约10万吨的碳排放量。
7. Last year on climate, for example, we had the highest global emissions ever.
译文:比如,在气候问题上, 去年全球的碳排放量达到了历史最高值。
8. For each American, it's about 20 tons.
9. That's more than the emissions from all electricity and industry, or from all the world's planes, trains and automobiles.
译文:排放量超过所有电力设施和工业 或全球飞机、火车和汽车的排放量。
10. The only way of doing that is by reducing our carbon dioxide emissions.
译文:唯一的方法是 减少碳排放量。
11. Our dependence on liquid fuels makes these emissions really difficult to avoid.
译文:我们对液体燃料的依赖 使这样的碳排放量 非常难以避免。
12. We can do more work to really bring it down so that by the end of the century, it's not much more than there is now.
译文:我们还能做更多来减少排放量, 使我们到本世纪末的时候, 排放量不比现在多。
13. Green carbon, which is the deforestation and agricultural emissions, and blue carbon together comprise 25 percent of our emissions.
译文:“绿碳排放” --即森林减退和农业排放-- 与“蓝碳排放” 加起来占了总碳排放量的25%。
14. Los Angeles cleaned up its port, which was 40 percent of carbon emissions, and as a result got rid of about 20 percent of carbon.
译文:洛杉矶清理了它的港口 也就是说原40%的碳排放量 被减少为20%的碳排放量。
15. But from now on, we count per capita.