贬义用英语怎么说 贬义的英语翻译

贬义用英语怎么说 贬义的英语翻译

贬义的英语为"derogatory sence",还可以翻译为derogatory sense -,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到43个与贬义相关的翻译和例句。


1. derogatory sence

贬义翻译为derogatory sence。

Greentech Stops being a dirty word.


2. derogatory sense -

贬义翻译为 derogatory sense -。

I'm using the word 'academic' here in a pejorative sense.


3.   pejorative

贬义翻译为   pejorative。

I agree I am ambitious, and I don't see that as a pejorative term.


4.   derogatory

贬义翻译为   derogatory。

示例:is that a derogatory reference to...
螒谓伪蚃苇蚁蔚蟽伪喂 ?蟺慰蟿喂渭畏蟿喂魏维 蟽蟿伪...



1. perjorative( 贬义)

2. doctors'stuff([贬义]药品,药剂)

3. jim crows(黑人(贬义词))

4. Russky(n. [俚语、贬义]=Russki)

5. negative meaning( 贬义;负面意义;否定意义)


Derogatory term sorry ass derogatory words negative words ( 贬义词 )

undermine ( 破坏贬义词 )

depression ( 低压贬义态度 )

derogatory Pejorative ( 贬义的 )

excessive ( 略带贬义 )

discouraging ( 令人气馁的贬义词 )


1. Well, you're not an actor, you're just a faggot.

译文:嗯,你不是演员 你只是个同性恋(含贬义)。

2. That's the word "retard" or "retarded" used in a derogatory manner.

译文:他们叫我“傻子”,说我迟钝 完全是贬义的用法。

3. Writing in his 1550 book, "Lives of the Artists," Giorgio Vasari was the first to describe it as Gothic, a derogatory reference to the Barbarians thought to have destroyed Classical civilization.

译文:xx年,在《艺术家的生活》中 作者 Giorgio Vasari 首次将这种风格称为哥特。但这是一种意指野蛮人的贬义说法, 并认为这种思想毁了古典文明。

4. And yet, if you ask Canadians what makes them proudest of their country, they rank "multiculturalism," a dirty word in most places, second, ahead of hockey.

译文:如果你问加拿大人 他们的国家最让他们感到骄傲的是什么 他们会将“多元文化”这个 在很多地方都带有贬义的词语 排在第二位 领先于曲棍球。

5. But i mean that in a good way. Here, try it.


6. Tomorrow night, y'all go out there and show 'em how bad five brothers can be on the court.

译文:明晚 你们要让那些白人知道"贬义"的厉害。

7. We forgot about a mission to make relatively untroubled people happier, more fulfilled, more productive. And "genius," "high-talent," became a dirty word.

译文:我们忘了使正常人更快乐、更充实、更有成就 天才、高智商变成了贬义词。

8. But here's the thing: i'm raising a little girl, and she has a little tomboy in her, which by the way is a terrible thing to call a girl.

译文:但关键在于: 我正在养育一个小女孩儿, 她的个性有点儿像假小子, 虽然听上去对一个女孩有点像贬义词。

9. A leader? Yes, bringing out a word leader (Fuhrer) will only make this discussion harder.


10. As a Nigerian American, i know how easily the term "African" can slip from being an ordinary geographic descriptor to becoming a pejorative.

译文:身为位尼日利亚裔美国人, 我知道“非洲人”这一个词很容易 从一个普通的地理形容词变成一个贬义词。

11. "Mary" is a derogatory term for someone who's gay, Your Honor.

译文:"玛丽"是对同性恋的贬义称呼 法官阁下。

12. i discovered i was a spy, a derogatory term used in order to look down on Latin-Americans.

译文:我发现我是名间谍 间谍,这个词是用来 轻视拉美人的一个贬义词。

13. 'if you're interested, just type in chav, pikey or Ned, 'and you'll find us in council estates all over London.

译文:若感兴趣,在网上输入小混混 流浪汉或者流氓 (英国俚语,含有贬义) 你就会在全伦敦的住房委员会那儿 看到我们的名单。

14. Dominate... that's so negative.

译文:其实"控制".. 这个词有点贬义。

15. What would you do, if your own name was a bad word?


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