丛蔚用英语怎么说 丛蔚的英语翻译

丛蔚用英语怎么说 丛蔚的英语翻译



1. Ulchin

2. Ulseong

3. dirersine

4. Uldo


1. Ulchin(蔚珍)

2. Ulseong(蔚岭)

3. calinda(陈宛蔚;陈苑蔚)

4. dirersine(狄蔚素)

5. Uldo([地名] 蔚岛 ( 韩 ))


1. And headed off up through the alders.


2. Whoa, whoa, hold on, now, Captain. This door is very wee.

译文:螐蟺伪, 蟺蔚蚁委渭蔚谓蔚, 螤位慰委伪蚁蠂蔚.。

3. i am looking for Mr. CHUNG


4. You should have let me sleep.

译文:螆蟺蚁蔚蟺蔚 谓伪 渭蔚 蔚委蠂蔚蟼 伪蚃萎蟽蔚喂 谓伪 魏慰喂渭维渭伪喂.。

5. You sure you don't want me to go instead?

译文:螛苇位蔚蟿蔚 谓伪 蟺维蝇 蔚纬蠋。

6. These are huckleberry bushes.


7. if you test me, you will fail.

译文:螒谓 渭蔚 未慰魏喂渭维蟽蔚蟿蔚... 胃伪 伪蟺慰蟿蠉蠂蔚蟿蔚.。

8. - Wait, sir, wait, wait, wait!


9. Sir, the central power grid is failing!

译文:螚 魏蔚谓蟿蚁喂魏萎 蔚谓苇蚁纬蔚喂伪 蟿蔚位蔚喂蠋谓蔚喂。

10. - Dump him in the brush. - Brush!


11. Well, that's why you're here, isn't it?

译文:螕喂' 伪?蟿蠈 未蔚谓 蔚委蟽蟿蔚 蔚未蠋。

12. We cannot fire and we cannot flee.

译文:螣蠉蟿蔚 蚁委蠂谓慰?渭蔚 慰蠉蟿蔚 蚃蔚蠉纬慰?渭蔚.。

13. Starfleet's mandate is to explore and observe, not to interfere.

译文:螆蠂蔚蟿蔚 蔚谓蟿慰位萎 谓伪 蔚尉蔚蚁蔚?谓维蟿蔚 魏伪喂 谓伪 蟺伪蚁伪蟿畏蚁蔚委蟿蔚, 蠈蠂喂 谓伪 蔚蟺蔚渭尾伪委谓蔚蟿蔚.。

14. Captain, he can't seem to hear you.

译文:螤位慰委伪蚁蠂蔚, 未蔚谓 蟽蔚 伪魏慰蠉蔚喂.。

15. These are huckleberry bushes.


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