Easier Said Than Done By No Means Easy Not a piece of cake ( 谈何容易 )
How can we say forever ( 又如何谈得上永远 )
How to trust again ( 何谈继续信任 )
When to start talking ( 何时谈话 )
How about doing sales ( 浅谈如何做销售 )
Salary Negotiation Dos And Don'ts ( 薪酬谈判如何做 )
salary negotiation ( 如何谈判薪水 )
no of negotiations ( 没有任何谈判 )
And he talked about anything ( 和他谈论任何事 )
1. But you can't fix what you can't define.
2. Unless the governor steps in, and that's a long wiggle down the road.
3. You should know that getting rid of me isn't that easy
4. Your mad schemes may yet bear fruit.
5. What about Rome? it's right in the middle, it's not going to be that easy.
译文:罗马在其中部 这谈何容易。
6. it's not easy at a time like this to put into words what it means to me to have the privilege of knowing you.
译文:想清楚表达此事对我的意义 谈何容易 我十分荣幸得以认识你。
7. They tried to get to grips with his illness and tried to understand it, but it was very difficult, because they felt that everything they did was wrong.
译文:努力为他治疗,甚至研究这种疾病 但谈何容易,他们觉得自己做什么都不对。
8. There's no security without the SECO officer.
译文:没有SECO 谈何安全。
9. Well, i have known many alpha males in my life, chimpanzee alpha males, and i'm going to talk about what an alpha male is, because i think we can all learn a lot from our close relatives where we have alpha males.
译文:我这一生见识过很多雄性头领, 黑猩猩当中的雄性头领, 我将会谈何为雄性领袖, 因为我觉得可以从我们的近亲那学到很多, 我们也有雄性领袖。
10. No way i get authorization to interrogate the only surviving victim of a botched kill mission.
译文:他是这场悲催的暗杀行动的唯一幸存者 想要拿到对他的审问授权谈何容易。
11. There's no question of losing.
12. So then where's the trust?
译文:这样一来 还谈何信任。