紧身上衣用英语怎么说 紧身上衣英语翻译

紧身上衣用英语怎么说 紧身上衣英语翻译



1. doublet


She walked off the plane in a miniskirt and tight top.



1. coatee(紧身短上衣)

2. tunic coat([服装] 紧身短上衣)

3. doubleted(adj.\n身穿紧身上衣(或背心)的)

4. monkey jacket(n. 紧身短上衣)

5. doublets(n. 紧身上衣, 成对的东西( doublet的名词复数 ))


corset busk Whalebones for corsets ( 妇女紧身衣上衬骨 )


1. Can i get ghagro (skirt) and choli (blouse)?

译文:我能要些Ghagro(印度女装的及地直筒衬裙) 和Choli(印度女装的紧身小上衣)吗。

2. There are no more trains and your clothes are wet

译文:这么晚了 又没车了 你身上衣服也湿了。

3. The third thing that made me stop in my tracks is his absolutely gorgeous doublet.

译文:第三件事就是 他非常漂亮的紧身上衣。

4. i like having them in a nice dress... or a tight top

译文:我爱穿漂亮的裙子... 或紧身上衣。

5. And the shirt on your back doesn't keep out the chill.

译文:身上衣衫单薄 抵御不了寒冷 And the shirt on your back doesn't keep out the chill.。

6. Get your clothes on, now. Get your clothes on.

译文:穿上衣服 马上 穿上衣服。

7. Guys in leather and chains.

译文:紧身衣 链条。

8. ♪ That straightjacket fight

译文:? 打那紧身衣。

9. Let me out of this nut-coat. - in a minute.


10. "What do you think of my doublet?" i asked.


11. Get your coats. i oughta finish the job.


12. That night, in my sleep, i dreamt that we lived in a big house together in the city, with a large, well-lit kitchen, and i was wearing dark blue pants, and a tight cream blouse,

译文:那天晚上 我梦到了我们一起住在城市里的大房子里 拥有一个大厨房 我穿着蓝色的裤子 白色的紧身上衣。

13. Dress how you want to feel, right?

译文:心中想身上衣 对吧。

14. Put this on, you'll be less conspicuous.


15. My shirt? i tossed it. i was soaking wet.


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