葯用英语怎么说 葯的英语翻译

葯用英语怎么说 葯的英语翻译

药用英语说"medicine -",在日常中也可以翻译为"medicine -",在《现代英语词典》中,共找到52个与药相关的译文和例句。


1. medicine -

药翻译为 medicine -。

The drug prevents the virus from replicating itself.


2. medicine -

药翻译为 medicine -。

The medicine has clearly done its stuff.


3. medicine


The drug can cause inflammation of the liver.


4. efficiency -

药翻译为 efficiency -。

示例:Crop yields, the efficiency of certain fertilisers...
the efficiency of certain fertilisers...



pesticide agricultural chemical agricultural agent OCPs ( 农药 农药 )

Pharmacy ( 药房 药 )

Medicinal Chemistry ( 药物化学 药 )

Pharmacology BSc Pharmacology PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY Unit Three Pharmacology ( 药理学 药 )

Pharmacist chemist druggist chemist pharmacist ( 药剂师 )


1. But it seems like i always end up riding the lift.

译文:瞩・柀マ・ヌ蓖 ヌ萍褊 ロヌ睚ヌ ネテ・テム゚ネ 赞涖ノ ハ药á。

2. We ought to be able to find out if any is missing.

译文:﨓ネ ヌ・万ヘユ ヌ・゚ヌ萍 ゙マ 药ユハ 聿 声ヌ・翩。

3. Use any means of travel other than civilian, i blow the train.

译文:ヌモハレ聂 ヌ栁 赞涖ノ 药畚Nロ樰 耘蓖 ンフム ヌ矗リヌム。

4. Right until they wheeled me into that delivery room. Then you passed out.

译文:ヘモ苌・ヘハ・药矿蓖 ネヌ睿翩睨 ナ碆 ハ瞩 ヌ瞻ムンノ レ蔆衂 テロ肬 レ硼゚。

5. You fail, i cover your ass. - i fail, you cover mine.

译文:ヌモ聚 ヌ・ンヤ睫 ハ药ミ蓖 ・ヌ・ンヤ睫 ヌ药ミ゚。

6. That being said, a huff and a puff is not enough!

译文:听ヌ 﨓レ砌ヌ 药趁 ヌ瞻ヨネ ・ヌ砌ンホ ロ樰 ゚ヌン桒ä。

7. - We don't say that anymore. - We don't say that anymore.

译文:矼 蒂マ 药趁 衵ヌ。

8. Let's do it. OK, gang. Let's go!

译文:ヌ药・ネミ矼 ヘモ苌 砌゙・ネミ瞩。

9. The karaoke's all set up. We're going to sing and dance!

译文:硼フ瞠 ヌ睥肬レ。 モ药跂 ネヌ瞻苌チ ・ヌ瞋゙ユ 聚ヌð。

10. - Call me when he crosses 110th Street. - Hey. - Why'd you save my ass?

译文:ヌリ睚蓖 レ蔆翩 﨓ハヌメ ヌ瞒ヌムレ 110 褊・矼 ヌ药ミハ蓖。

11. i am so glad we had this talk.

译文:テ苌 耨ム贽ノ フマヌ・眦蒿ヌ 药跂 ネ衵ヌ ヌ睿マ棏。

12. They'll get to you, but they're busy with this salvage operation.

译文:モ橾矿・ヌ硼゚ ン・ヌ砌衂栁 瞩蒟・ヘヌ硼ヌ 耿ロ趁趾 ネレ聂栁 ヌ睇药ヌミ レ碆 翩 ヌレバマ。

13. So much medicine. i'm sorry!


14. it's okay. i have some medication. Let me get it for you.


15. - And we were like, "Whatever." - "Whatever."

译文:"・゙マ ゚苌 药趁 "レ碆 テ栁 ヘヌ・-。

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