有恃无恐用英语怎么说 有恃无恐英语翻译

有恃无恐用英语怎么说 有恃无恐英语翻译

有恃无恐的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为  count on one's cards,其次还可以说成"  Nothing to fear",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到22个与有恃无恐相关的短语翻译和用法。


1.   count on one's cards

有恃无恐翻译为   count on one's cards。

Russia and Syria bomb civilians with impunity.


2.   Nothing to fear

有恃无恐翻译为   Nothing to fear。

Not forever in the commotion, by the preference of all secure to rely on.


3. secure in the knowledge that one has strong backing

有恃无恐翻译为secure in the knowledge that one has strong backing。

Nepoleon from think the soldier is ample, there is Shi have no perhaps.


4.   Emboldened

有恃无恐翻译为   Emboldened。

示例:But what happened for me is that that shattering actually emboldened me in a way i have never been emboldened.
但对于我来说,那种撕裂反而 使得我变得更加坚强 那也是从来没有过的



Preference is always to fear ( 被偏爱的总是有恃无恐 )

i am nothing to fear ( 我有恃无恐 )


1. but Ed Henry looks supremely confident.

译文:泰坦队差点得分 但是何艾德有恃无恐。

2. And in the process of doing all of these things, we shape landscapes and seascapes and cityscapes with increasing control and impunity.

译文:在做这些事情的过程中 我们也改变着陆地和海洋 以及城市的面貌 而且越来越有恃无恐。

3. it turns out some kind of instruction to use us, Russia, for any terrorist.

译文:那样的结果会让俄罗斯的恐怖份子 学会利用我们 继而有恃无恐。

4. And he's gotten away with it a number of times, which has probably emboldened him and... makes him think he's not gonna get caught.

译文:他侥幸成功了很多次 有可能有恃无恐 认为他不会被抓到。

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