育儿袋用英语怎么说 育儿袋的英语翻译

育儿袋用英语怎么说 育儿袋的英语翻译

育儿袋通常被翻译为"  marsupial pouch"的意思,在日常中也可以翻译为"brood pouch",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到95个与育儿袋相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   marsupial pouch

育儿袋翻译为   marsupial pouch。

The kangaroo has a pouch where babies live until they can hop around on their own.


2. brood pouch

育儿袋翻译为brood pouch。

This allows her to freeze the development of an embryo during times of drought and food shortage until the offspring in the pouch is able to leave.


3.   pouch

育儿袋翻译为   pouch。

Some marsupials can care for three newborns in their pouch at the same time.


4. marsupium


1. fertilization chamber(育儿囊)

2. electronic educational toy(电子育儿玩具)

3. infanticulture((=puericulture)育儿法)

4. nanny cams( 保姆育儿)

5. nurserypeople( 育儿人)


A kangaroo has a pouch ( 袋鼠有育儿袋 )


1. The baby crawls down the middle of the mother's three vaginas, then must climb up to the pouch, where she spends the next 6-11 months suckling.

译文:幼崽从妈妈的第三个阴道出生, 然后必须爬到育儿袋里面, 这是它在接下来6-11个月中 喝奶的地方。

2. The name of your parenting book?


3. it's called a "neonurture device."


4. The Baby Center. So we're in the right place.


5. Rudy, go back into the pockets.

译文:鲁迪 快回到育儿袋里 马上。

6. Even after the baby kangaroo leaves this warm haven, she'll return to suckle milk.

译文:即便在袋鼠幼崽 离开育儿袋后, 它还会回来吃奶。

7. Welcome to parenting in the new millennium.


8. it's called the NeoNurture device.


9. You're giving me Parenting 101 now?

译文:你不给我 育儿101吗。

10. When the baby is big enough to leave the pouch it rides on its mother's back


11. The word mammalia means of the breast, which is a bit of a misnomer because while kangaroos do produce milk from nipples in their pouches, they don't actually have breasts.

译文:哺乳这个词意味着乳房, 但其实有点名不副实。因为尽管袋鼠育儿袋中的乳头确实产生母乳, 但是它们并没有乳房。

12. Scheisse. The head! Shoot it in the head!


13. A female kangaroo can often simultaneously support one inside her uterus and another in her pouch.

译文:通常袋鼠妈妈在怀孕的同时, 育儿袋中还可以哺乳一个幼崽。

14. These regions are the nurseries for new stars.

译文:这些区域是 新星的育儿室.。

15. To capitalise on good times the mother can support a production line one joey in the pouch one at foot and another in the womb as an embryo

译文:为了好好利用好时光,袋鼠妈妈可以开动一整条生产线 一只小袋鼠在育儿袋里,一只跟在脚边 还有一只胎儿在子宫里。

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