用尺子用英语怎么说 用尺子的英语翻译

用尺子用英语怎么说 用尺子的英语翻译

用尺子的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为graphic rule,还经常被译作foot rules,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到24个与用尺子相关的释义和例句。


1. graphic rule

用尺子翻译为graphic rule。

Use a rule to measure the width of that cloth.


2. foot rules

用尺子翻译为foot rules。

The carpenter used a ruler to measure off the wood.


3. ruller


You don't need to bring a ruler to estimate partial derivatives the way that this problem asks you to.


4. ruler


示例:# You wanna be ruler of the ocean
* You wanna be ruler of the ocean



1. ruler(尺子 )

2. graphic rule(图象尺子)

3. ruller( 尺子;轴承)

4. fiducial edge(尺子的薄边)

5. foot rules(foot rule\n一英尺长的尺子)


Using ruler volume circumference hat Ruler Hat circumference ( 用尺子量帽子周长 )

Ruler Hat circumference ( 用尺子度量帽子的周长 )

I can use your ruler can I use your ruler ( 我可以用你的尺子 )


1. With a ruler,every day, he'd measure the distance between his nose and hairline.

译文:天天拿尺子 他测量他鼻子和发际的距离。

2. You see, i can't just pull out my ruler and measure how far away my spacecraft is.

译文:要知道,我不可能掏出一把尺子, 来丈量航天器离我有多远。

3. it's good for business. And stop undressing me with your eyes.


4. You measure life with a ruler... and a bathroom scale.

译文:你用尺子和... 体重计衡量生活。

5. Sam keeps a ruler by the bed.

译文:Sam Winchester床边放了个尺子 天天早上起来量...。

6. And Balinese carpenters like this measured them with their bamboo rulers, selected the bamboo and built the buildings using age-old techniques, mostly by hand.

译文:巴厘岛的木工喜欢这个方法 用竹尺子来衡量, 挑竹子来造建筑 利用古老的技术, 大部分用手工。

7. And i expected them to put a ruler next to the wall, size it up with a finger, and make an estimate of the height.

译文:我当时期望他们会将尺子放在墙上 用手指估算尺子的倍数,继而得到高度的估测值。

8. And Balinese carpenters like this measured them with their bamboo rulers, selected the bamboo and built the buildings using age-old techniques, mostly by hand.

译文:巴厘岛的木工喜欢这个方法 用竹尺子来衡量, 挑竹子来造建筑 利用古老的技术, 大部分用手工。

9. Just used it for protractors and rulers.

译文:只是用它 量角器和尺子。

10. And i expected them to put a ruler next to the wall, size it up with a finger, and make an estimate of the height.

译文:我当时期望他们会将尺子放在墙上 用手指估算尺子的倍数,继而得到高度的估测值。

11. This guy -- i love this guy! He put a dodo leg bones on a scanner with a ruler.

译文:我爱这个家伙!他把渡渡鸟腿骨和尺子 放到了扫描器里。

12. One boy had scars on his fingers from being hit with a ruler.

译文:一个男孩被尺子打的 在手上留下了疤痕。

13. Beat me to it by an inch. He'd become a total pain.


14. it's more accurate to measure with a rope than a ruler. - Send down the water.


15. Use the mind, use the wing.


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