勿忘国耻的英语是"national humiliation sticks to the mind",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到32个与勿忘国耻相关的短语释义和例句。
1. national humiliation sticks to the mind
勿忘国耻翻译为national humiliation sticks to the mind。
示例:National humiliation makes my heart sorrowful!
1. national humiliation(国耻)
2. forget-me-not(勿忘草 )
3. forget me not(勿忘草)
4. Myosotis arvensis( 野勿忘草;勿忘我;田野勿忘草)
5. Myosotis sylvatica( 勿忘我;勿忘草;紫草科勿忘草)
1. What's all that stuff? Forget-me-nots?
译文:那是什么东西 "勿忘我"。
2. We should've got them forget-me-nots.
3. Don't forget to check your tickets on the way out.
4. Forget-me-nots seem to express friendship.
5. Don't forget your old shipmates
6. it's in this flowerpot under the forget-me-nots.
7. in a copybook gothic script.
译文:史黛菲 (一朵)勿忘我 夹在一本哥特字体的习字帖里。
8. it's time to respond to Zion's story of American shame.
译文:现在是时候来锡安的回应 美国耻辱的故事。
9. The one who made you that white satin tie embroidered with blue forget-me-nots.
译文:做绣蓝色勿忘我的白缎子领带 的那个人 干领带什么事。
10. i think it's a forget me not, but i'm not sure.
译文:我觉得是勿忘我 但不确定。
11. Certainly lasted in his mind.
译文:在他心中 确实是一直勿忘。
12. - This humiliation? ! We've all cut it off.
译文:这是国耻 , 得剪了。
13. December 7, 1941... a date which will live in infamy... the United States of America... was suddenly and deliberately attacked... by naval and air forces of the empire of Japan.
译文:这一天是我们的国耻 美利坚合众国遭到蓄意的偷袭 攻击来自日本帝国的海空两军。
14. That sweet little woman in Texas has just such ambitions, i'm sure- the one who makes those ravishing white ties, those blue forget-me-nots.
译文:那甜美的小女人在得克萨斯州 要有这样的野心,我敢肯定, 一个做那些令人陶醉的白色领带, 那些蓝色勿忘我。
15. - Just remember where you got your start... my crap-house, and you know what they say,
译文:你饮水要思源啊 我这家垃圾夜总会 平步青云时勿忘栽培之恩。