海西用英语怎么说 海西的英语翻译

海西用英语怎么说 海西的英语翻译

海西在英语中的翻译是"  Hercynian",在日常中也可以翻译为"  post-Hercynian",在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到99个与海西相关的短语翻译和用法。


1.   Hercynian

海西翻译为   Hercynian。

Cotisuelto (Caribbean Spanish)


2.   post-Hercynian

海西翻译为   post-Hercynian。

The heaviest rainfall occurs southwest of Shanghai.


3. Heisey


Just a couple of years ago, the vegetable patches of Anting, a Hamlet west of Shanghai, yielded some of the sweetest spinach this side of the Yangtze River.



1. heisey([人名] 海西)

2. hercynian facies(海西相)

3. Hercynian geosyncline(海西地槽)

4. Hercynian stage(海西阶段)

5. hercynian structure(海西构造)


black sea shad ( 黑海西鲱 )

Shanghai West Railway Station West Shanghai Railway Station ( 上海西站 )

Haixi Jurchens ( 海西女真 )

Western International School of Shanghai WISS ( 上海西华国际学校 )

Hercynian movement Hercynian Hercynian orogeny Arbuckle ( 海西运动 地质 )

Walther Heissig heissig heisig haissig ( 海西希 )

Haixi Thoughts for ( 海西州 )

Hercynian mountain-building movement ( 海西造山运动 )

Holiday Inn Shanghai West Holiday Inn West Shanghai ( 上海西郊假日酒店 )


1. As you can see, they cut across the entire globe all the way from Micronesia across indonesia, Malaysia, india, Madagascar and to the West of the Caribbean.

译文:可以看到, 它们分割了整个地球, 从密克罗尼西亚岛群开始, 横穿印尼、马来西亚、印度、马达加斯加, 直达加勒比海西侧。

2. With his mohair suits and his shoe lifts.


3. it's very pretty, and it has rapidly started to overgrow the once very rich biodiversity of the northwestern Mediterranean.

译文:非常漂亮 它开始迅速地 过度生长 侵占了一度 生物种类繁多的 地中海西北部。

4. it's very pretty, and it has rapidly started to overgrow the once very rich biodiversity of the northwestern Mediterranean.

译文:非常漂亮 它开始迅速地 过度生长 侵占了一度 生物种类繁多的 地中海西北部。

5. As you can see, they cut across the entire globe all the way from Micronesia across indonesia, Malaysia, india, Madagascar and to the West of the Caribbean.

译文:可以看到, 它们分割了整个地球, 从密克罗尼西亚岛群开始, 横穿印尼、马来西亚、印度、马达加斯加, 直达加勒比海西侧。

6. But, instead of devouring the people in the shop, what it's doing is overgrowing and smothering virtually all of the bottom-dwelling life of the entire northwestern Mediterranean Sea.

译文:它没有吞噬小店里的人们 而是疯狂生长 扼杀了 几乎所有的海底生物 遍及整个 地中海西北部。

7. There used to Be about 400-500 But these have Been taken By looters.


8. But, instead of devouring the people in the shop, what it's doing is overgrowing and smothering virtually all of the bottom-dwelling life of the entire northwestern Mediterranean Sea.

译文:它没有吞噬小店里的人们 而是疯狂生长 扼杀了 几乎所有的海底生物 遍及整个 地中海西北部。

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