大头鬼用英语怎么说 大头鬼的英语翻译

大头鬼用英语怎么说 大头鬼的英语翻译

大头鬼的英语翻译是"exocoetus valitans",还可以翻译为Platysternon megacephalum,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到15个与大头鬼相关的翻译和例句。


1. exocoetus valitans

2. Platysternon megacephalum

3. Polyspora axillaris

4. Macrocephalites


1. exocoetus valitans(大头飞鱼)

2. largeend([木] 大头)

3. Macrocephalites(大头菊石)

4. Platysternon megacephalum(大头龟)

5. Polyspora axillaris(大头茶)


Fighting for future keep my finger cross ( 大头鬼呆呆 )

Tham Pee Hua Toe ( 大头鬼洞 )

BIG HEAD ( 名称大头鬼 )

go your big head ghost ( 你去大头鬼 )

And his father's name ( 叫着大头鬼 )

go your big head ghost ( 走你的头大鬼 )


1. Splashed across the headline.


2. i've had a lot of things said to me but "San yourself" hurt like nothing before.

译文:我长这么大,什么头都被人骂过 但是珊你的大头鬼 不知道为什么特别刺耳。

3. So You Think You Can Prance.

译文:“谁是大头狗” 嘿。

4. You know, favoring you. Favoring you.

译文:我是说,你拿大头, 你拿大头。

5. Let's all have a picnic! Chicken? Yes, please!

译文:咱们一起野餐吧 鸡肉 吃你个大头鬼。

6. MRS. WOLOWiTZ: The hell you will!


7. S YLViA: You're not ordering me around, buster.

译文:你少颐指气使 大头鬼。

8. Downal wyth Bluddy Behg Hid!

译文:- 打倒血腥大头鬼 - 打倒血腥大头鬼。

9. Shut up, you "bell-end dot-co-dot-uk".

译文:闭嘴 登陆你个大头鬼。

10. i'll settle for 3 HK dollars.


11. We follow you no more, Bloody Big Head!

译文:我们不再跟随你了,血腥的大头鬼 你敢。

12. i'll do as you instruct me and finish your enterprise

译文:是 都是你,秦恒就秦恒吧,大头大头。

13. Twenty-seven stitches, my ass!


14. Okay my ass! My luggage is in Shin's car.


15. This is Big Boss, do you copy?


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