转账用英语怎么说 转账的英语翻译

转账用英语怎么说 转账的英语翻译

转账的英语是"  bank transfer",还可以翻译为  transfer of account,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到19个与转账相关的译文和例句。


1.   bank transfer

转账翻译为   bank transfer。

The user selects a checking account to be transferred.


2.   transfer of account

转账翻译为   transfer of account。

It is easy for families to run out of money before the weekly giro arrives.


3. transfer accounts

转账翻译为transfer accounts。

Alternatively, you can transfer money via a French bank in London.


4. transfer -

转账翻译为 transfer -。

示例:He's gonna apply to eureka community college,
然后想办法转学出去 then try to transfer out.



1. for deposit only(仅限转账)

2. girocheque(转账支票)

3. ghiri( 转向调头转账背面)

4. giroback(n. 转账支票)

5. postal Giro(邮政划拨,邮资转账)


EFT Electronic Funds Transfer ( 电子资金转账 )

transfer voucher haha transfer voucher ( 转账凭证 )

transfer agent TA ( 过户转账代理人 )

transfer voucher ( 转账传票 )

debit card ( 转账卡 )

EFTPOS wire transfer GIRO ( 电子转账 )

Remittance Transferring Money ( 转账汇款 )

bank transfer bank account transfer BACS PAYMENT ( 银行转账 )

automatic transfer service Automated Transfer Service Account ATS ( 自动转账服务 )


1. See, you make payments over what you owe and it doesn't show up as cash, it shows up as a negative loan balance.

译文:你转账用来还款 See, you make payments over what you owe, 这样就不显示现金 而是抵消借款余额 and it doesn't show up as cash, it shows up as a negative ioan balance.。

2. it was authorized by my wife.


3. The stolen credit cards charge large transactions through dummy online stores, who sends the money to an offshore bank in Nauru.

译文:被窃的信用卡 通过网络皮包公司大笔转账 钱被转入。

4. - So you followed her... - No.


5. Now, i want a record of every transaction Abayed has had for the last two years;

译文:现在 我想要你们银行过去两年每一笔转账 Now, I want a record of every transaction abayed has for the last two years。

6. And they take a big piece of the action -- 10 to 20 percent just to send money to another country.

译文:它们从中收取大笔利益: 跨国转账需要10%到20%的手续费。

7. We believe the purpose of his visit is to move funds to one of Abu Nazir's people here in the United States.

译文:所以我们有理由相信这次拜候的目的就是 资助在美的Abu Nazir及其同伙 如果我们能追踪到转账信息。

8. Well, i don't use debit card.

译文:嗯... 我不用转账卡。

9. i've wired the 300,000 for the deposit.


10. There were large deposits made to Mamuro's accounts.


11. We got approved to be licensed in 30 of the 48 states in money transmission.

译文:我们获得了 在48个州当中的30个州的转账授权。

12. it costs her around 10 percent; the money takes four to seven days to get there; her mom never knows when it's going to arrive.

译文:手续费占了将近10%, 转账手续需要花费4到7天的时间, 她妈妈从来不知道到账的时间。

13. When PayPal was first starting as a business, their biggest challenge was not, "How do i send money back and forth online?"

译文:PayPal 作为一家企业,当他们第一次启动时,他们最大的 挑战不是,"如何在线转账?"。

14. Perhaps you haven't had time to read the fine print of the Patriot Act, but any person operating a money transmitting business must register with the U.S. government.

译文:也许你还没时间看过"爱国法案"的细则 但是任何从事资金转账业务的人 必须到美国政府登记。

15. i hacked into Chad's accounts to see if there were any payments that would help identify this fixer.

译文:我黑进了查德·布赖森的账户查看是否有转账 I hacked into Chad's accounts to see if there were any payments 能查出那名掮客的身份 that would help identify this fixer.。

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