坐收渔利用英语怎么说 坐收渔利英语翻译

坐收渔利用英语怎么说 坐收渔利英语翻译

坐收渔利的英语可以这样说:  Boon,其次还可以说成"profit from others' conflict",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到70个与坐收渔利相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   Boon

坐收渔利翻译为   Boon。

Due to the excellent performance, he was promoted to chief executive.


2. profit from others' conflict

坐收渔利翻译为profit from others' conflict。

You can hunker down and take it.


3.   benefit from others' dispute

坐收渔利翻译为   benefit from others' dispute。

Get the south and north side gangs to kill each other so someone else can take over.



1. play off against(完成同其他优胜者的平分比赛; (使)相互争斗以坐收渔利)

2. reap unfair gains(渔利)

3. Get all( 显示全部;获取全部;坐收)

4. play both ends(为了有所得而脚踏两只船;挑拨对立双方相争而从中渔利,使别人鹬蚌相争而坐享渔人之利)


1. And i think that is part of Daesh's strategy to make Europe react, closing its doors to Muslim refugees and having an hostility towards Muslims inside Europe, exactly to facilitate Daesh's work.

译文:那本护照就是达伊沙 在欧洲激起民愤的手段, 让欧洲拒绝接收穆斯林难民, 在欧洲煽动对穆斯林的敌意, 他们便可坐收渔利。

2. if i can learn by watching you, i can steal your best ideas, and i can benefit from your efforts, without having to put in the time and energy that you did into developing them.

译文:如果我可以通过观察你而学习 我就可以窃取你最好的想法 从你的努力中坐收渔利 而不用像你一样投入时间和精力 去开发想法。

3. But then i wondered who'd profit by it


4. it simulates what it is like to invest in something and to watch that investment pan out.

译文:这就象是投资了什么 然后坐收红利一样。

5. Listening to the story of 80-year-old women who were tied to chains and circled, and where groups of men would come and rape them periodically, all in the name of economic exploitation to steal the minerals so the West can have it and profit from them.

译文:还有聆听xx岁的老妇人告诉我 她们曾被绑在铁链上,串成一圈儿, 一群男人然后就不定时的进来,轮奸她们 这一切,都是在经济扩张的名义下进行的 大公司开掘矿藏,这样他们就可以收获渔利。

6. Of all your cases how many are supposed to be lost so you can martyr the victim?


7. Many groups took advantage of these corrupt customs, but few supported them as much as the Guelfi Neri, or Black Guelphs.

译文:这些恶习让许多团体从中渔利, 但谁也不比教皇派黑党 更支持这些败俗。

8. Listening to the story of 80-year-old women who were tied to chains and circled, and where groups of men would come and rape them periodically, all in the name of economic exploitation to steal the minerals so the West can have it and profit from them.

译文:还有聆听xx岁的老妇人告诉我 她们曾被绑在铁链上,串成一圈儿, 一群男人然后就不定时的进来,轮奸她们 这一切,都是在经济扩张的名义下进行的 大公司开掘矿藏,这样他们就可以收获渔利。

9. it simulates what it is like to invest in something and to watch that investment pan out.

译文:这就象是投资了什么 然后坐收红利一样。

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