举办美食节用英语怎么说 举办美食节英语翻译

举办美食节用英语怎么说 举办美食节英语翻译

举办美食节在英语中的翻译是"  hold a Food Festival",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到29个与举办美食节相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   hold a Food Festival

举办美食节翻译为   hold a Food Festival。

The first Thai food festival co-hosted by Le Meridien Xiamen and the Royal Thai Consulate General in Xiamen began on June 5.



1. ribfest( 排骨节;烤猪排祭;烧排骨美食节)

2. great food(美食)

3. gastronomie( 美食;美食学;餐饮)

4. gastronomy(美食法 )

5. fooderies( 美食)


- hold a Food Festival ( 举办美食节)


1. in my kampong, there's a ceremony of beating a statue every year.

译文:在我的乡村 每年都会举办静修节。

2. And soon became the top rated show... of its kind in the American west

译文:迅速成为美西地区 收视率最高的旅游美食节目。

3. Are you Martha Steward or something? You stop to eat everything! so inconsiderate.

译文:("红墨鱼"为泰国美食节目) 一点都不知道体谅他人 人家可正在赶路呢。

4. Oh, hey, check it out. They have a Halloween fright night.

译文:噢,对了,跟你说 他们要举办万圣节狂欢。

5. Lots of guys, lots of food.

译文:人物多多 美食多多。

6. Thar ain't no language barriers when it comes to good food, ey?


7. March through to April is the annual Cerry Blossom Festival in D.C.


8. Beautiful food, beautiful people, beautiful views


9. FATHER: Maybe at Easter time i could stage an egg hunt.

译文:或许复活节那天我可以 举办一个猎蛋比赛。

10. i panicked and said Woodstock.

译文:我一慌就说成Woodstock了 (摇滚音乐节举办地)。

11. Well, thank you! it did win me the blue ribbon at the gourmet county cookoff.

译文:在美食节的烹饪比赛上 我靠它赢得蓝带。

12. And after that, they have to celebrate Kenyalang festival, which means hornbilll festival, to ask for a longer life.

译文:在此然后,他们必须举办 肯雅兰 节, 也就是 犀鸟节,来祈求长寿。

13. No, i'd been living in my imagination since i was little.


14. - Like to eat some beautiful food?

译文:- 想吃点美食吗。

15. Have mothers sitting on the stage


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