假担保人用英语怎么说 假担保人英语翻译

假担保人用英语怎么说 假担保人英语翻译



1. fidepromissor

2. guaranteers

3. guaranteer

4. fiador


1. fidepromissor(担保人)

2. encumberers( 担保人)

3. fiador( 担保人)

4. guaranteer( 担保人)

5. guaranteers( 担保人)


1. You two will promise me to be my sponsors for a visa to the United States of America.

译文:你们两个答应我做我的担保人 让我得到去美国的签证。

2. The landlord's got my name as a reference. i vouched for you.

译文:房东说我是担保人 我给你担的保。

3. Did you call the bondsman?


4. Master, i'll report this to the authority

译文:你得找个保人出来担保 请什么担保人呢。

5. My sponsor and personal saviour.


6. At a late AA meeting. You can call my sponsor.

译文:在一个匿名戒酒会上 你可以打电话问我的担保人。

7. The bail bondsman said he has to run a credit check, then he'll wire the money.

译文:释金担保人说 他要先查信用记录 然后才同意转帐。

8. Call the bondsman, like you always do, and tell him to send a runner for the money.

译文:调用担保人,就像你总是这样, 并告诉他送了亚军的钱。

9. And i'm proud to be your sponsor.


10. - i thought the embassy put it up.

译文:- 我想大使馆做担保人.。

11. Bates, you were getting sucked off by your sponsor.

译文:Bates 你的担保人给你口交了。

12. Tell a Friend guarantor bear dividends

译文:给朋友当担保人 背负债款。

13. Hey, did you find the consignor?

译文:对了 担保人你找了吗。

14. Ava, there's a bail bondsman around the corner.


15. And no one can vouch for me.


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