失地用英语怎么说 失地的英语翻译

失地用英语怎么说 失地的英语翻译

失地的英语是"  lost territory",还可以翻译为losing land -,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到45个与失地相关的译文和例句。


1.   lost territory

失地翻译为   lost territory。

'Is it Tom you're going with?' she hazarded.


2. losing land -

失地翻译为 losing land -。

Car horns toot as cyclists dart precariously through the traffic.


3.   lost

失地翻译为   lost。

There I go again—jumping to conclusions.


4. lost territory

失地翻译为lost territory。

示例:Do a lot for the territory.
Do a lot for the territory.



1. lose the land(失地)

2. recover lost territory(失地收复)

3. revendicate(要求收回失地 )

4. revendication(要求收回失地 )

5. lost deed(遗失地契)


reconquista ( 收复失地运动 )

Retaking Lost Ground Lost territory Reconquista ( 收复失地 )

land-lost peasants landless peasants lost land farmer Farmers losing land ( 失地农民 )

impudently pertly obtrusively ( 冒失地 )

Stalker LOST ZONE Lost Region ( 迷失地带 )

Lost territory ( 恢复失地 )

Lost territory ( 规复失地 )

Lost territory ( 复兴失地 )


1. i should have asked you to have lunch with me even if you hadn't upset the vase so clumsily.

译文:我不是同你客气 即使你没有冒冒失失地撞翻花瓶。

2. He's a leading representative of a movement trying to reclaim Mexico's lost lands.

译文:他是一个运动的主要代表 试图夺回墨西哥的失地。

3. i'm going to take the liberty of contacting Prof. Abraham Van Helsing.

译文:我要冒失地打扰范赫辛教授 范赫辛。

4. He keep saying that he'll get back the shots for Ducky.

译文:整天胸怀大志 说要为鸭仔收复失地。

5. - lf you accidentally did something...

译文:-如果你过失地做了什么 --。

6. Right, it just hit its fios hay soaraga again.

译文:这五天就收复了失地 Right, it just hit its fios hay soaraga again.。

7. Thousands of workers, landless and jobless, embarked aboard a train of hope, leaping from the pages of a book onto the political scene.

译文:数以千计的工人,失地者和无业者 Thousands of workers, landless and jobless, 登上一列希望的列车, embarked aboard a train of hope, 从一本书的书页中跳到了政治舞台上。

8. Since Mr. Gross had the temerity to question the NSA's gag order, we were afraid the government may seize on any excuse to prosecute him.

译文:由于Gross先生会冒失地 质疑国安局的禁言令 我们担心政府会寻找各种借口起诉他。

9. You keep the people and lose the land, you have both

译文:存人失地 人地皆存。

10. We must give up the rigid defense of the peninsulas ... and embark on an orderly retreat to the port and fortress.

译文:按我的情况看 我们应该先集结军队组成有力反击 争取收复失地。

11. i'm sorry to come upon you unannounced.

译文:- 很抱歉这么冒失地来打扰您。

12. - Yes. You lost real estate.


13. With matter as with people, we see only the skin of things, we can't see into the engine room, we can't see what makes people tick, at least not without difficulty, and the closer we look at anything, the more it disappears.

译文:物质如同人类,我们只能看到表像, 我们不能进入引擎室,我们看不到 关联着人一举一动之物是什么, 至少,这很困难, 当我们愈是近看所有一切, 这一切消失地愈多。

14. if we have to ride north and take them back for you every time you lose them, why do we need you?

译文:如果每次你丢掉河间地 我们都要北上 帮你夺回失地 那么要你何用。

15. at least, we should get back our spots lost to Jimmy before.


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