下架不卖了用英语怎么说 下架不卖了英语翻译

下架不卖了用英语怎么说 下架不卖了英语翻译

下架不卖了的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为underwing bomb carrier,还网络中常译为"sellie",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到30个与下架不卖了相关的释义和例句。


1. underwing bomb carrier

下架不卖了翻译为underwing bomb carrier。

示例:When is a bomb not a bomb?
不是炸弹的炸弹是什么 What is a bomb not a bomb?


2. sellie

3. sterd

4. sells me out

下架不卖了翻译为sells me out。

示例:Ask me if he sells tickets.
问我 他卖不卖座 Ask me if he sells tickets.



1. sellie( 卖了)

2. sterd( 卖了)

3. nonstaged( 不上架)

4. sells me out( 出卖了自己)

5. underwing bomb carrier(翼下挂弹架)


1. "is it sold?" What's sold?

译文:这个卖了吗? 什么卖了。

2. No, actually, i sold my company.

译文:不 事实上我卖了我公司。

3. Νo, no. Νo, i had to sell those to pay for car insυrance.

译文:不,没了,我把它卖了 付车子的保险。

4. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a second. What do you mean, "fight"?


5. No, no, no, it's a Q! Ha-ha-ha.

译文:一架飞机 不 这是Q。

6. Please, Abby, just take the book down. Please.


7. No, i gave information on my cellmate.

译文:不 我出卖了狱友。

8. My dad just told you. He's not selling it!

译文:我的爸爸刚刚告诉你 他不卖了。

9. i don't think he ever intended to get off this plane.

译文:我不认为他曾经打算 下车这架飞机。

10. They said they are not selling, sir.


11. The entire plane is non-smoking.


12. He's glass, this one, ain't he?

译文:他就卖了你 这小孩 是不。

13. They really are selling you. Aren't you angry?

译文:他们把你卖了 你不生气吗。

14. No. No, i sold all my bonds.

译文:不 我卖了我所有的基金。

15. After the harvest, we sell the buffalo and stop growing rice.

译文:丰收之后 我们就把水牛卖了,不种稻子了。

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