私企的英语可以这样说:private enterprises,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到86个与私企相关的翻译和例句。
1. private enterprises
私企翻译为private enterprises。
Private firms have been forced to compete with the world's best.
1. P chip( 民企股;聚酯粒;私企红筹股)
2. owned enterprise( 独资企业;外资企业;私企)
private enterprises private business ( 私营企业 )
international private businesses ( 国际私营企业 )
China Township Enterprises ( 私企老总谈私企用人 )
private enterprise public sector Private firm private company ( 私有企业 )
Safety & Health ( 私企女工权益难保障 )
China Township Enterprises ( 私企老板的十大心事 )
sole proprietorship Private Exclusively Funded Enterprises Private funded Private-funded Enterprise( 私营独资企业 )
private enterprise ( 私家企业 )
1. Bring them together with law enforcement, the private sector, and the city, with the one aim of reducing violence, but make sure that that community component is strong.
译文:将他们与司法机关,私企以及整个城市联合起来 一起为减少暴力犯罪而努力 但是保证每个部分的联系是紧密的。
2. Two very good examples of this are the 19th-century United States, when the infrastructure rollout was really about public-private partnerships.
译文:这个概念有两个特别合适的例子, 一个是十九世纪的美国 推出的基础设施项目 真的就是公私企业的合作伙伴关系。
3. And the only reason they think it tilts the other way is because we poor, public servants are always looking for some fat, private-sectors payoff down the road.
译文:他们不那么想只是因为 And the only reason they think it tilts the other way 我们这些穷酸的公务员 is because we poor, public servants 一直想从某些富有的私企拿报酬 are always looking for some fat, private。
4. But you came here to be with your News Night family at midnight.
译文:纽约市市长 美国最富有的政客 身价在全美排行第十 在私企老板中仅次于科赫兄弟 但你赶回来 和节目组大家庭一起过午夜。
5. The government lets a private company make money for nothing
译文:政府让私企白赚钱 The goverment lets a private company make money for nothing。
6. Very excited you coming over there, finally moving into the private sector
7. We partnered with private companies, asking, which of these salespeople is going to keep their jobs?
译文:我们与私企合作,向他们询问 哪些销售人员可以保住工作。
8. Didn't think Oversight would have members from the private sector.
9. Now one thing i've learned all my years on private sector
10. You know, the Small Business Administration tells us that 64 percent of new jobs created in the private sector in the USA are thanks to small businesses like mine.
译文:小企业管理局数据显示 在美国,64%的私企提供的新岗位 是像我这样的小企业创造的。
11. Well, you're better off in the private sector, no doubt about it.
译文:你完全具备资格 有经验 忠诚 严谨 毋庸置疑 你去私企会更好些。
12. At that time in a private business Taking up the challenge of pregnancy and birth giving
译文:那个年代 在私企能跨过怀孕生子这个坎。
13. Public officials go to work for companies and they make triple, quadruple, ten times sometimes as much money as they used to make in public service.
译文:政府官员供职于私企 他们的收入就要比... ...作为公务员提高几倍甚至几十倍。
14. i can't wait to get into the private sector.
译文:我迫不及待的想来私企 I can't wait to get into the private sector.。