名曰用英语怎么说 名曰的英语翻译

名曰用英语怎么说 名曰的英语翻译

名曰在英语中的翻译是"  Called",在日常中也可以翻译为"  Dubbed",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到22个与名曰相关的释义和例句。


1.   Called

名曰翻译为   Called。

Lucille's home was very grandly called a chateau, though in truth it was nothing more than a large farm.


2.   Dubbed

名曰翻译为   Dubbed。

The restaurant was no more than a glorified fast-food cafe.


3.   Euphemized

名曰翻译为   Euphemized。

But one of my friends named Xiaoman only wore a sleeveless coat. Though she felt a little cold, she could still endure and move on with us.


4.   Name

名曰翻译为   Name。

示例:Give me the wretched name!
The name. Give me the wretched name!



1. rachna( 美其名曰拉查那;沙玛的太太拉茨娜;社前总裁的妻子拉娜)


Sounding ( 美其名曰 )

Bild Lilli ( 名曰莉莉 )

Poesophobie ( 名曰诗症 )

KalmASapAda ( 名曰鹿足 )

prise de mousse ( 名曰气泡的生成 )

Alaeddin ( 名曰阿剌丁 )

DSLayout ( 固美其名曰 )


1. it's-it's supposed to be for my protection.


2. The guy invites six women up to his house and calls it work.

译文:这男人邀请六个女人去他家 美其名曰工作。

3. Bear island knows no king but the King in the North, whose name is Stark.

译文:熊岛只承认一个北境之王 名曰史塔克。

4. You see, i am loath to open ancient tombs... rob a nation of its treasure and call it archaeology.

译文:你瞧,我非常不愿意打开那些古老的坟墓... ...去盗取古代王国的财产,还美其名曰“考古”。

5. Glorified baby-sitting service.

译文:美其名曰保姆勤务 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Glorified baby -sitting service.。

6. You can put "slutty" in front of any job position, and it becomes a costume.

译文:在任何职业名称前加淫荡二字 然后美其名曰万圣节装扮。

7. They called them improvements, and they were the beginning of a long, slow unraveling.

译文:他们美其名曰改良, 然后他们开始了一个又长又慢的拆毁。

8. i can't put into words how good this feels


9. His name was Jasaw Chan K'awiil.

译文:这位君王,名曰Jasaw Chan K'awiil。

10. Sleigh fever, they call it.


11. So, the mayor grifts the 9/11 money That's meant to improve security at the ports.


12. if anyone's interested, i will be at MacLaren's Pub performing a play out of The Playbook entitled, "The Scuba Diver."

译文:如果你们有兴趣 我会在MacLaren's酒吧 再现一场游龙戏凤秘籍中伎俩 名曰。

13. Look, those dark clouds in the east are enshrouding the sun

译文:你看 东方黑气拦遮 此为太阳晶伏气 名曰火伏气。

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