死亡细胞用英语怎么说 死亡细胞英语翻译

死亡细胞用英语怎么说 死亡细胞英语翻译

死亡细胞通常被翻译为"dying cells -"的意思,在日常中也可以翻译为"  DEAD CELLS",在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到95个与死亡细胞相关的翻译和例句。


1. dying cells -

死亡细胞翻译为 dying cells -。

Mustapha's modification lets food scientists use the PCR test to capitalize on its speed, selectivity and sensitivity, but avoid false-positive tests by differentiating between dead and live cells.



死亡细胞翻译为   DEAD CELLS。

Lung cells die and are replaced about once a week.


3. dying cells

死亡细胞翻译为dying cells。

示例:这个染剂会被已经死亡的沙门氏菌细胞吸收,这样P CR检测便能忽略死亡细胞。
The dye is absorbed by dead salmonella cells; thus, the PCR test can ignore the dead cells.


4.   NVN


1. molecular death([医] 细胞死亡)

2. programed cell death(程序性细胞死亡,细胞死亡钟)

3. programmed cell deaths([细胞][胚] 程序性细胞死亡)

4. programmed cell death(编程性细胞死亡)

5. pyroptosis( 程序性细胞死亡;细胞的炎症坏死;编程性细胞死亡)


cell death apoptosis necrocytosis programmed cell death ( 细胞死亡 胚 )

programmed cell death Apoptosis PCD Bacterial Programmed Cell Death ( 程序性细胞死亡 胚 )

AICD activation induced cell death ( 活化诱导的细胞死亡 )

AICD activation-induced cell death ( 激活诱导的细胞死亡 )

Caspases and Cell Death ( 胱天蛋白酶和细胞死亡 )

programmed cell death PCD ( 程序化细胞死亡 )

programmed cell death PCD ProgrammedCelDeath program cell death ( 又称程序性细胞死亡 )

programed cell death Autophagy PCD ( 性细胞死亡 )


1. And then this bubbling, this membrane bubbling, is the hallmark of apoptosis in this cell.

译文:然后细胞膜就起泡 这是细胞死亡的 一个标志特征。

2. And so i thought, "Maybe if it can promote cell growth, it can inhibit cell death, too."

译文:所以我想,“如果它能促进细胞生长, 它也可以抑制细胞死亡。“。

3. But what happens when that myelin cell dies?

译文:那么如果是髓鳞脂细胞死亡 情况又是怎样的呢。

4. When the EEG flatlines, the brain is dead.


5. So that's what happens when the motor nerve dies.


6. We thought that maybe nitric oxide affected cell death, and how cells survive, and their resistance to other things.

译文:我们认为也许一氧化氮影响细胞死亡, 影响细胞存活,也影响细胞的免疫。

7. Death, death, death, death.

译文:死亡,死亡, 死亡,死亡.。

8. The cancer begins to shrink, and for the third time, we've dodged death.

译文:癌细胞开始萎缩 第三次 我们躲过了死亡。

9. He says just the sound of their voices makes his brain cells start to die.

译文:他说,只是声音 他们的声音 使他的脑细胞 开始死亡。

10. But the other way is to effectively parachute in cells, transplant them in, to replace dying or lost cells, even in the brain.

译文:另外一种办法是有效地 移植这些细胞 让其代替死亡或消逝的细胞。

11. Person gets Parkinson's when the brain cells that produce dopamine start to disappear.

译文:人脑分泌多巴胺的细胞逐渐死亡 将导致人患上帕金森症。

12. Most T cells die shortly after being infected with HiV.


13. That's the sound of the ear cells dying. Like their swan song.


14. When we're young, we constantly regenerate cells in order to replace dead and dying ones.

译文:当我们年轻时,身体中的细胞会不断再生 来取代死亡或衰竭的细胞。

15. Without air, the brain cells die.


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