金鼓齐鸣用英语怎么说 金鼓齐鸣英语翻译

金鼓齐鸣用英语怎么说 金鼓齐鸣英语翻译

金鼓齐鸣用英语翻译为"The sound of gongs and drums arose.",还经常被译作Gongs and drums sounded.,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到58个与金鼓齐鸣相关的释义和例句。


1. The sound of gongs and drums arose.

金鼓齐鸣翻译为The sound of gongs and drums arose.。

示例:Therefore, the second question arose.
因此, 第二个问题


2. Gongs and drums sounded.

金鼓齐鸣翻译为Gongs and drums sounded.。

示例:it wasn't as crazy as it sounded.


3. Gongs and drums beat all around.

金鼓齐鸣翻译为Gongs and drums beat all around.。

示例:if there's sin in there, there's sin all around.
there's sin all around.


4. There was a great noise of drums and gongs.

金鼓齐鸣翻译为There was a great noise of drums and gongs.。

示例:We have to wake them up with our drums and gongs!



1. fanfare(号角齐鸣 )

2. salvoing(n. 齐射;齐鸣;齐声欢呼喝彩;保留条款;遁辞\nvt. 齐鸣\nvi. 齐鸣\nn. (Salvo)人名;(意、西、葡)萨尔沃)

3. salvos(n. (炮火)齐射, (礼炮)齐鸣(salvo的复数形式))

4. trumpetry(n. [总称]喇叭;小号;喇叭吹奏法;小号吹奏法;喇叭齐鸣声)


1. And let the kettle to the trumpet speak the trumpet to the canoneer without the cannons to the heavens, the heavens to earth!

译文:等鼓声一起 号角就齐鸣 号角声传到了外边的炮手 让炮声响彻天庭。

2. ♪ Ei bloB wegen dem Schingderassa, Bumderassasa... (narrator) Hitler in July 1940, returning from France in triumph, stood at the pinnacle of his power.

译文:♪ 仅仅是因为铜乐齐鸣,战鼓声声... xx年xx月,从法国凯旋归来的希特勒 站在他权力的顶峰。

3. Many sounds at the same time.


4. (Frogs croaking) Now at the end of that flyby, it took the frogs fully 45 minutes to regain their chorusing synchronicity, during which time, and under a full moon, we watched as two coyotes and a great horned owl came in to pick off a few of their numbers.

译文:(青蛙呱呱地叫) 现在是喷气机飞过的尾声 整整45分钟后 蛙群才恢复同步齐鸣。在这段时间里,一轮满月高挂夜空, 我们发现两只土狼和一只大角猫头鹰 抓走了几只青蛙。

5. ♪ Ei bloB wegen dem Schingderassa, Bumderassasa

译文:♪ 仅仅是因为铜乐齐鸣,战鼓声声。

6. if Hamlet give the first or second hit, let all the battlements their ordnance fire.

译文:哈姆雷特要在头两回合击中了 让所有的炮台一齐鸣炮。

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