知情权的英语为" Right To Be Informed",其次还可以说成"right to be informed",在《现代英语词典》中,共找到84个与知情权相关的译文和例句。
1. Right To Be Informed
知情权翻译为 Right To Be Informed。
The right to life prevails over the right to know.
2. right to be informed
知情权翻译为right to be informed。
This supported the argument that a woman had the "right to know" about such risks.
3. the right of information sharing -
知情权翻译为 the right of information sharing -。
We were unprepared for the real change, which is giving the consumer the power of knowledge.
4. the right to know -
知情权翻译为 the right to know -。
示例:Yeah, well, i kind of had to be lately, you know?
you know? right?
1. right of know( 知情权;知晓权)
2. right to know(知情权\n知道权)
3. public access((进入公共场所的)大众通行权;(对信息的)公众知情权, 公众使用权)
4. informed choice( 知情选择;推进知情选择;知情的抉择)
5. informed consents(【医学】(病人的)知情首肯,知情同意,知情许可)
citizen’s right to know ( 公民知情权 )
people's right to stay informed about ( 人民知情权 )
The People's Right to Know ( 人民的知情权 )
Auskunftsanspruch ( 知情权的要求 )
access to environmental information ( 环境知情权 )
1. i didn't know. i didn't know.
2. Any threat will be eliminated, i can assure you.
译文:我可以向你保证 所有威胁都会被排除 Any threat will be eliminated, I can assure you. 大家有知情权 被感染的人是否混在我们中间。
3. He believed in both cases the fear of inciting violence trumped the public's need to know.
译文:他认为在这两宗案例中 对于煽动暴乱的担忧应优先于 公众知情权。
4. Consent procedures that are used in richer countries are often inappropriate or ineffective in a lot of developing countries.
译文:然而发达国家那套用来保障知情权的方法 在很多发展中国家 基本上是形同虚设。
5. -Well, people need to know the truth.
6. But the public saw these pamphlets, and demanded access... and the modern fourth estate was born... from the passion and the vision... of these few brave souls.
译文:但公众看到小册子后 要求有知情权 这样就诞生了现代的第四权 来自于那少数勇敢者的。
7. it means informed consent.
译文:- 代表"知情同意"。
8. And every single morning we'd hear about the horrors of the traffic.
译文:但我有知情权 我是人民的代表 But I have a right to know。
9. But i have a right to know!
译文:但我有知情权 我是人民的代表 But I have a right to know。
10. Protecting journalists and our right to receive information protects us.
译文:保护记者和人民的知情权 就是保护我们自己。
11. He is my patient. i have rights.
12. The first of these is informed consent.
13. i think it's one of the most important battles for consumers to fight-- is the right to know what's in their food and how it was grown.
译文:我觉得对消费者来说 这是至关重要的一役 关乎对食品来源和生产过程的知情权。
14. YOUNG MAN: They knew about it.
15. i've a right to know the diagnosis for putting her in hospital.