礼花用英语怎么说 礼花的英语翻译

礼花用英语怎么说 礼花的英语翻译

礼花的英语为"  CONFETTI",还经常被译作fireworks display,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到75个与礼花相关的翻译和例句。



礼花翻译为   CONFETTI。

Grand plans are drawn up for spending the bounty on improving the lot of mankind.


2. fireworks display

礼花翻译为fireworks display。

The skies above London were ablaze with a spectacular firework display.


3.   fireworks

礼花翻译为   fireworks。

If I concentrate hard enough, I can smell the sweetness of your wedding bouquet as you held it so proudly for everyone to see.



1. fireworks display(礼花)

2. groundburst( 地面礼花弹)

3. wood anemones( 羞礼花和白头翁)

4. stefana( 头冠;希腊婚礼花冠;芬娜)


destiny fireworks The Refugees ( 亡命鸡礼花 )

flower for wedding use ( 结婚礼花 )

Wedding Flowers Flowers Wedding Flower Wedding Flower Art ( 婚礼花艺 )

Biophytum ( 羞礼花属 )

Dragon Foreworks Dragon King Foreworks Dragon Fireworks ( 龙王礼花 )

Firework ( 燃放礼花 )

firework display ( 礼花秀 )

Wedding Flowers Design flower decoration for wedding Wedding Floral Design ( 婚礼花艺设计 )


1. Fortunately, funeral bouquets are deductible.


2. Victory is ours, Nanking is ours!

译文:礼花满天 南京攻陷。

3. Feel like i want to peel off my own face and tear it in two and then again and again until i have a handful of Sheldon-face confetti.

译文:感觉想把我的脸撕下来 撕成两半 再撕再撕 直到撕出一手的Sheldon脸皮大礼花。

4. "including a parade, marching band, and fireworks. "

译文:包括游行 仪仗队 和礼花"。

5. "i understand that the wedding cost in excess of £75,000."


6. But what about the wedding and all the money you put down for the reception?

译文:但婚礼怎么办 还有您筹备婚礼花的那些钱。

7. Have the most expensive birthday floral arrangement delivered to this address

译文:送最贵的生日礼花 到这个地址。

8. You know, it's tradition for the father of the bride to pay for the wedding.

译文:要知道 就传统而言 确实是新娘的父亲支付婚礼花费。

9. Do you have any idea how much this wedding cost?

译文:你有什么想法 这个婚礼花费多少。

10. You know, if the war doesn't kill him...

译文:- 就算战争没把他折磨死... - 那这婚礼花的钱也会。

11. And my dad already paid for this huge wedding.

译文:{\fn黑体\fs22\bord1\shad0\3aHBE\4aH00\fscx67\fscy66\2cHFFFFFF\3cH808080}我爸已经为这婚礼花了很多钱了! {\fnarial black\fs12\bord1\shad0\4aH00\fscx90\fscy110}And my dad already paid for this huge wedding。

12. i've saved the crown hundreds of thousands on this wedding.


13. You wouldn't think a firecracker could be that important, would you?


14. You know how many months she and my mom have been planning this.


15. And traditionally paid for by the royal family.

译文:按照习俗 婚礼花销由皇室承担。

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