黄金和丝绸用英语怎么说 黄金和丝绸英语翻译

黄金和丝绸用英语怎么说 黄金和丝绸英语翻译

黄金和丝绸用英语翻译为"silk cloth",其次还可以说成"seide",在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到68个与黄金和丝绸相关的释义和例句。


1. silk cloth

黄金和丝绸翻译为silk cloth。

示例:For that old silk cap they found
For that old silk cap they found


2. seide

3. mitography

4. dynamited silk

黄金和丝绸翻译为dynamited silk。

示例:Dean Coleman Silk. That's right.
没错 Coleman Silk院长



1. seide(丝绸)

2. silk cloth(丝绸)

3. salaries and allowances(薪金和津贴)

4. dynamited silk(加重丝绸)

5. mitography(丝绸印刷)


1. They pay good money for silk.


2. You buy rabbits, and sell both the meat and the fur

译文:废话 你卖假丝绸。

3. i wouldn't miss it for all the gold in the world.

译文:即使用全世界的黄金和我交换 总有一天你会得到。

4. Like a blade which slides on silk.


5. You think your gold and your lions and your gold lions make you better than everyone.

译文:你们以为你们的黄金和狮子 还有金狮子 使得你们比其他人都强。

6. - Just in case there's a sale.


7. And thanks a lot for the gold and frankincense.


8. Tortured physically and mentally, he died in anger.

译文:要他交出黄金和委任状 在饱受皮肉之苦和精神折磨后。

9. The gold and platinum i could melt up and sell as bullion, you see.

译文:黄金和白金我可以把 它们熔化成块卖掉,你知道。

10. When we win, money, gold and glory will be with us...

译文:当我们赢得了战争, 我们就能得到金钱,黄金和荣誉...。

11. Golden and full of naked women.


12. You saw that gold and you thought you could just cut me out of this deal.

译文:你看到黄金和思想 你可以骗我,再偷。

13. The plane was carrying gold and platinum wiring also set for Pakistan.


14. Father wears silk garments every day, and a golden helmet, and his lance flashes like gold in the sun.

译文:父亲穿着丝绸的上衣 黄金的盔甲 他的长矛闪闪发亮。

15. City of gold. So where's all the gold?


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