不似用英语怎么说 不似的英语翻译

不似用英语怎么说 不似的英语翻译

不似用英语翻译为"not resemble",在日常中也可以翻译为"does not resemble -",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到40个与不似相关的释义和例句。


1. not resemble

不似翻译为not resemble。

It's six songs were like to — but unlike — anything the band had done before.


2. does not resemble -

不似翻译为 does not resemble -。

His voice is not sludgy and slow, as it was in "Brokeback Mountain."



1. dissimilar to( 不同于;不似于)

2. unpicturesque(a. 不似画的, 不生动的)

3. unneighbourly(a. 不睦邻的, 不友好的\n[法] 不友善的, 不善交际的, 不似邻人的)

4. unroyal(a. 非国王的,非君王的, 不是王室(或王族)的, 不似君王的, 不配为王的)


unwomanly unfeminine ( 不似女流的 )

Not like snow ( 不似雪 )

anomoios homoiotes ( 不似的似 )

Nothing seems complete ( 毫不似乎完全 )

unpicturesque ( 不似画的 )

Unlike homoplasy-non dissimilarity not like ( 不相似 )

Journal of Guyuan Teachers College ( 似与不似之间 )

Yesterday and the day before yesterday are not like today ( 昨天和前天均不似今天 )

Playwright ( 贵在似与不似之间 )


1. Don't you think it's a bit weird that we sit here without talking?

译文:你不似乎有点怪怪的 我们坐在这里不说吗。

2. Most folks just don't seem to have a taste for testicles no more.

译文:大多数人只是不似乎 一对睾丸没有更多的口味。

3. ...really frustrating would know that i had to seem like i was betraying her to get this done.

译文:.很无奈 想知道我不得不似乎 像我背叛她 完成这件事。

4. But people say my body lacks human affinity because it's like a mannequin, i'm a bit worried

译文:但人家讲我身材太好 好到不似人型,似时装模型。

5. You and i were born with silver spoons in our mouths.

译文:你过去可不似现在 我是说你对孩子们的态度 你可还记得。

6. -Does not seem to be that oseaas everything you do is not important?

译文:不似乎是,oseas 你所做的一切是不是很重要。

7. Although you have no womanly traits


8. Lt was neither night, nor dawn.


9. At first glance, moons don't look ideal for life.

译文:乍看起来, 卫星不似适宜生物居住。

10. i just went to Carver... and kicked the shit out of him

译文:我刚去找过Andrew... 把他踢得不似人形。

11. and the stars, without you..


12. i don't think so, it's more like picking a fight


13. Nothing like the life i've led so far


14. For we do not grieve as those who have no hope, but as those who place their trust in God.

译文:感谢我们的悲痛不似那些无望的灵魂 感谢 因我们心奉上帝。

15. i say we got a bowl of soul, and if you think your heart can take it, whoo!


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