脸色苍白用英语怎么说 脸色苍白英语翻译

脸色苍白用英语怎么说 脸色苍白英语翻译

脸色苍白的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为be green around the gills,其次还可以说成"be pale around the gills",在《中小学生词典》中,共找到67个与脸色苍白相关的翻译和例句。


1. be green around the gills

脸色苍白翻译为be green around the gills。

He was listless and pale and wouldn't eat much.


2. be pale around the gills

脸色苍白翻译为be pale around the gills。

Bob looked pale and sullen.


3.   wash out

脸色苍白翻译为   wash out。

Her face was taut and pale.


4.   look green

脸色苍白翻译为   look green。

示例:Where people die? No, no, look around you, costumes, green screen.
不不 你看看周围 戏服 绿屏 No, no, look around you, costumes, green screen.



1. pale and wan(脸色苍白,没有血色)

2. anaemia(贫血 症 无活力 脸色苍白)

3. anemically(毫无活力地 脸色苍白地)

4. wheyfaces(na. 苍白的脸;脸色苍白的人)

5. lose colour(脸色变得苍白)


whey-faced cream-faced pale ( 脸色苍白的 )

Looked pale all ( 脸色苍白的所有 )

You Look Rather Pale you are looking rather green ( 你脸色苍白 )

Your face is very pale Your face so pale Your pale ( 你的脸色很苍白 )

turns pale ( 脸色变得苍白 )

white as a ghost ( 脸色非常苍白 )


1. i noticed he was pale, take him outside!


2. i could see Chamberlain, i can see him now, blanch.

译文:我能看到张伯伦, 我现在还记得他的样子,脸色苍白。

3. He is ashen and unconscious at this time.

译文:脸色苍白 处于昏迷状态。

4. He was pale, with bushy eyebrows.

译文:他脸色苍白 眉毛浓密 还带着微笑。

5. i met this chick, she had, like, black fingernails, totally, like, pale.

译文:我遇见了这小妞, 她一样,黑色 指甲, 完全一样,脸色苍白。

6. The really pale dude with big hair and constipated look.


7. You were so quiet and pasty, and... so incredibly smart, handsome... [coughs] quite a strange feeling...

译文:你很安静 脸色苍白 而且... You were so quiet and pasty, and... 特别聪明 帅气...。

8. - ♪ All around - ♪ Your face, Christine, it's white

译文:-我身旁 -你的脸蛋 克莉斯汀 脸色苍白。

9. Oh, look at the pair on you.


10. Look in the mirror: You're white as sheet.


11. Lord Hamlet, with his doublet all unlaced, pale as his shirt, and with a look... so piteous in purport,

译文:哈姆雷特殿下 他的衣服也不扣 脸色苍白。

12. Men with pale faces and soulless eyes.


13. Are you alright, sweetie? You look pale.

译文:亲爱的 你好吗 你脸色苍白。

14. She ain't looked well mornings opposed to the rest of the day?

译文:早上气色不好 整天脸色苍白。

15. She was walking up and down this room, sir, very pale, upset.

译文:她在房间里来来回回地踱步 脸色苍白 坐立不安。

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