身高体重用英语怎么说 身高体重英语翻译

身高体重用英语怎么说 身高体重英语翻译

身高体重的英语可以这样说:  height and weight,其次还可以说成"height and weight",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到42个与身高体重相关的翻译和例句。


1.   height and weight

身高体重翻译为   height and weight。

His height and weight are uncertain.


2. height and weight

身高体重翻译为height and weight。

No statistically significant deficit in weight for height was found.



1. weight/stature2(体重/身高2)

2. W/H([=body weight/height ratio]体重身高比率)

3. W/S2([=weight/stature2]体重/身高2)

4. stature(身高 )

5. heightism(身高歧视 )


body mass index BMI Height & Weight Index ( 身高体重指数 )

height-weight table weight and height table ( 身高体重表 )

height and weight age Age Height Weight ( 年龄身高体重 )

Body Mass Index ( 身高体重比例指数分析 )

WFH weight for height WHZ weight-of-height ( 身高别体重 )

Height & Weight ( 身高 体重 )

be of the same height/weight ( 一样的身高)


1. This man stands at 179 cm and weighs 74kgs


2. height, weight, education, occupation;

译文:身高,体重, 教育程度,职业。

3. it's a narrow space, indicating a suspect of at least average build and coordination.

译文:空间狭小 说明嫌疑人 It's a narrow space, indicating a suspect 身高体重处于中等水平 of at least average build and coordination.。

4. Cameron Raker was six-foot-three, 225 pounds.

译文:卡梅隆・瑞克身高1米87 体重205斤。

5. Height 5'10", weight 73 kilos

译文:身高五尺十吋 体重七十三公斤。

6. ALS causes the joint and internal muscles to atrophies.

译文:身高180 体重56公斤。

7. He's african american, six-foot, four, About 220 pounds.

译文:黑人 身高6英尺4 体重220磅。

8. So now at Harlem Hospital Center when patients come in with an elevated body mass index, the electronic medical record automatically generates a prescription for Health Leads.

译文:在哈雷姆医疗中心, 当身高体重指数过高的病人进来时, 电子医疗系统 自动为健康领导开除处方。

9. 160cm tall, and about 40 kilos...

译文:身高160公分 体重大概40公斤。

10. Decedent is a Caucasian female. She's 161 centimetres, 51.3 kilos.

译文:死者是女性,白人 身高161公分,体重51.3公斤。

11. ...weighs 35 pounds and is 40 inches tall.

译文:体重35磅 身高40英寸。

12. The deceased was 1.7M estimated weight 45kg, was burnt with petrol.

译文:那个尸体,身高大约170公分 体重估计45公斤。

13. He stands at 182cm and weighs 70kgs


14. i'm 1.74m tall, weigh 52 kg.


15. i'm 1.7m tall, and weigh 49 kg.


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