冤鬼用英语怎么说 冤鬼的英语翻译

冤鬼用英语怎么说 冤鬼的英语翻译




Tinadannis ( 冤鬼路 )

Revenge of the haunted souls ( 冤鬼复仇记 )

The Witches of Eastwick ( 冤鬼捉伊人 )

Tina Dannis ( 冤鬼路五步曲 )

The Witches of Eastwick ( 紫屋魔恋)

The beautiful ghost's grievance ( 丽鬼冤仇 )


1. Be you big, small, greedy, wronged, stupid, naughty, sleazy or whatever.

译文:大头鬼,小头鬼 冤鬼、饿鬼、赌鬼 烂鬼、吊靴鬼,屁眼鬼,衰鬼,色鬼 胆小鬼,你们全部出来。

2. What i can't figure out,... is why this ghost took all the trouble to direct you to that building.

译文:但是我始终也想不通 为什么这冤鬼要引你到这间大厦做事。

3. Don't follow me like a ghost.


4. i'll just be a ghost, a ghost that'll haunt every minute of your life, every single dream you have.

译文:我将变成鬼魂 一个无时无刻都在你的生活 在你的梦中缭绕的冤鬼。

5. Mr. Hsiao just asked the reason first

译文:萧先生 刚才问冤鬼缠身的因由。

6. it's because the pronunciation of Yurei in Japanese is same as "Ghost".

译文:因为由丽的日本语发音 跟冤鬼是同音的。

7. Don't let anyone you don't know in!


8. Villagers say he is haunted by the ghosts of his victims.


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