'Jaroslav Heyrovsky'是捷克的词语,中文翻译为雅罗斯拉夫·海罗夫斯基。他是一位捷克化学家和物理学家,于xx年获得诺贝尔化学奖,其最著名的发明是极谱法。
以下是9个含有'Jaroslav Heyrovsky'的例句:
1. Jaroslav Heyrovsky对于极谱法的发明为化学和物理学领域的进步做出了巨大贡献。
(Jaroslav Heyrovsky's invention of polarography made a significant contribution to the progress of chemistry and physics.)
2. Jaroslav Heyrovsky在20世纪xx年代成功地将极谱法应用于纯化水的研究中。
(Jaroslav Heyrovsky successfully applied polarography to the study of purifying water in the 1950s.)
3. Jaroslav Heyrovsky被誉为极谱法之父。
(Jaroslav Heyrovsky is known as the father of polarography.)
4. Jaroslav Heyrovsky的著作《电化学极谱法》是关于极谱法的经典著作之一。
(Jaroslav Heyrovsky's book "Polarography" is one of the classic works on polarography.)
5. Jaroslav Heyrovsky的贡献使极谱法成为了研究微量元素和化学反应机制的重要工具。
(Jaroslav Heyrovsky's contributions made polarography an important tool for studying trace elements and chemical reaction mechanisms.)
6. Jaroslav Heyrovsky的极谱法被广泛应用于环境科学、生物化学和材料科学等领域。
(Jaroslav Heyrovsky's polarography is widely used in fields such as environmental science, biochemistry, and materials science.)
7. Jaroslav Heyrovsky的发明带来了化学分析领域的革命性变化。
(Jaroslav Heyrovsky's invention brought about revolutionary changes in the field of chemical analysis.)
8. Jaroslav Heyrovsky的极谱法为当代电化学研究奠定了基础。
(Jaroslav Heyrovsky's polarography laid the foundation for contemporary electrochemical research.)
9. Jaroslav Heyrovsky的成就使捷克成为当代化学和物理学领域的重要中心之一。
(Jaroslav Heyrovsky's achievements have made Czech Republic an important center for contemporary chemistry and physics.)