1. The Klingon homeworld is Qo'noS. (克林贡人的故乡是刻诺斯。)
2. The Jedi Order was founded on the planet Tython, their ancestral homeworld. (绝地教团的创始地是泰芬星球,他们的祖先来自这个星球。)
3. The homeworld of the Martians has always been a topic of speculation. (火星人的故乡一直是个猜测的话题。)
4. The ancient Greeks believed that Mount Olympus was the homeworld of their gods. (古希腊人相信奥林匹斯山是他们的神灵的故乡。)
5. The Na'vi people on Pandora believe that Eywa, their deity, resides in the flora and fauna of their homeworld. (潘多拉星球上的纳美族人相信他们的神灵艾娃居住在他们故乡的植物和动物之中。)
6. The Rebellion was able to destroy the Death Star, but at the cost of the homeworld of Princess Leia, Alderaan. (反抗军成功摧毁了死星,但以莱娅公主的故乡奥德兰为代价。)
7. The homeworld of the Transformers is the planet Cybertron. (变形金刚的故乡是赛博坦星球。)
8. Many scholars believe that Africa is the homeworld of humanity. (很多学者相信非洲是人类的故乡。)
9. The Wookiees were enslaved and forced to work on their own homeworld of Kashyyyk by the Empire. (帝国把纳贾人奴役起来,让他们在自己故乡卡希卡上工作。)