RN是英语中“Registered Nurse”(注册护士)的缩写,可以用中文翻译为“注册护士”。注册护士是专门接受护理教育、经过国家考试合格取得注册资格的人员,主要从事患者的护理工作。
1. I am a nurse and have been working as an RN for five years.(我是一名护士,已经作为注册护士工作了xx年。)
2. She passed the RN exam on the first try.(她一次性通过了注册护士考试。)
3. The hospital is looking for experienced RNs to join their team.(医院正在寻找经验丰富的注册护士加入他们的团队。)
4. He is studying to become an RN and hopes to work in a hospital after graduation.(他正在学习成为注册护士,希望毕业后能在医院工作。)
5. The RNs on this unit work 12-hour shifts.(这个部门的注册护士工作12个小时的班。)
6. As an RN, she is responsible for administering medication to patients.(作为注册护士,她负责给患者注射药物。)
7. Many RNs wear scrubs as their uniform.(许多注册护士穿着护士服作为他们的制服。)
8. Before becoming an RN, she worked as a nursing assistant.(成为注册护士之前,她曾经担任护理助理。)
9. RNs play a crucial role in the healthcare system.(注册护士在医疗保健系统中发挥着关键作用。)