用法:姓氏或者佛教哲学家的名字被使用。在佛教中,佛陀传授大乘教法后,出现了中观派,他们主张通过“空”来了解世界和自我,而" Nagarjuna"的中观学说对佛教哲学产生了深远的影响。
1. 佛教哲学家Nagarjuna提出的“中道”学说颇受大乘佛教徒的推崇。(中文翻译:The "Middle Way" philosophy proposed by Buddhist philosopher Nagarjuna is highly respected by Mahayana Buddhists.)
2. Nagarjuna的哲学思想对于佛教的发展产生了重要影响。(中文翻译:Nagarjuna's philosophical ideas have had a significant impact on the development of Buddhism.)
3. 我们在学习佛教哲学时,经常会接触到Nagarjuna的中观学说。(中文翻译:When we study Buddhist philosophy, we often come into contact with Nagarjuna's Madhyamaka.)
4. Nagarjuna的中观派哲学深刻思考了自我和世界的关系。(中文翻译:Nagarjuna's Madhyamaka philosophy deeply reflects on the relationship between self and the world.)
5. Nagarjuna提出的“虚空”概念在佛教哲学中占据重要地位。(中文翻译:The concept of "emptiness" proposed by Nagarjuna occupies an important position in Buddhist philosophy.)
6. 作为佛教哲学中的重要人物,Nagarjuna的思想对于佛教文化的传承具有重要意义。(中文翻译:As an important figure in Buddhist philosophy, the thoughts of Nagarjuna have important significance for the inheritance of Buddhist culture.)
7. Nagarjuna的哲学思想为佛教的发展提供了新的思路。(中文翻译:Nagarjuna's philosophical ideas provide new ideas for the development of Buddhism.)
8. Nagarjuna的中观学说强调了无常的概念,这对于我们认识自我和世界有重要影响。(中文翻译:Nagarjuna's Madhyamaka emphasizes the concept of impermanence, which has an important impact on our understanding of self and the world.)
9. 作为佛教哲学中的重要思想家,Nagarjuna被不少人视为“中观派之祖”。(中文翻译:As an important philosopher in Buddhist philosophy, Nagarjuna is considered by many as the "founder of Madhyamaka.")