'Prunus acida'是拉丁语,意为“酸桃”,又名酸樱桃或欧洲酸樱桃。
它是一种果树,果实呈浅红色,酸甜可口,可生食或制作果酱、糖蜜、咖啡蛋糕等甜点。'Prunus acida'通常生长在寒带和温带地区,主要分布在欧洲和亚洲的一些地方。
以下是9个含有'Prunus acida'的例句:
1. The pie is made of 'Prunus acida', which gives it a tart and tangy flavor.(这个派是用'Prunus acida'做的,味道酸酸甜甜的。)
2. I love eating 'Prunus acida' with a little salt and pepper.(我喜欢在'Prunus acida'上加一点盐和胡椒吃。)
3. The 'Prunus acida' tree in my backyard is producing a lot of fruit this year.(我后院的'Prunus acida'树今年结了很多果实。)
4. We picked a basket of 'Prunus acida' at the orchard.(我们在果园采了一篮'Prunus acida'。)
5. You can use 'Prunus acida' as a substitute for lemons in recipes.(你可以在食谱中用'Prunus acida'代替柠檬。)
6. The 'Prunus acida' jam is perfect on toast.('Prunus acida'果酱涂在面包上非常完美。)
7. The juice from freshly squeezed 'Prunus acida' is so refreshing.(新鲜挤出的'Prunus acida'汁非常清爽。)
8. 'Prunus acida' is a popular ingredient in Korean cuisine.('Prunus acida'是韩国菜肴中的流行食材。)
9. We planted a 'Prunus acida' tree in our garden last year and it's already bearing fruit.(我们去年在花园里种了一棵'Prunus acida'树,现在已经结出果实来了。)