'euphoria longana'不是任何一个国家的语言,这是一种植物的学名,中文常称为龙眼。
1. Longana是我最喜欢的水果之一,它香甜可口。
(Longana is one of my favorite fruits, it's sweet and tasty.)
2. 我们去市场买了一些龙眼回家。
(We went to the market and bought some longanas to take home.)
3. 龙眼可以作为甜点或水果沙拉的配料。
(Longanas can be used as ingredients for desserts or fruit salads.)
4. 龙眼有助于增强免疫系统和控制血糖。
(Longanas are beneficial in boosting the immune system and controlling blood sugar.)
5. 据说龙眼的种子可以用于治疗焦虑和失眠。
(It's said that longana seeds can be used to treat anxiety and insomnia.)
6. 我们喜欢在夏天吃冰镇的龙眼。
(We like to eat chilled longanas in the summer.)
7. 龙眼的营养价值非常高,富含维生素C和纤维素。
(Longanas are highly nutritious and rich in vitamin C and fiber.)
8. 这道菜里添加了一些切碎的龙眼,增添了果香味道。
(Some diced longanas were added to this dish, adding a fruity flavor.)
9. 你想要一些新鲜的龙眼吗?
(Do you want some fresh longanas?)