Foramen magnum是拉丁语,翻译为“大孔”,指的是人或动物的颅骨中,位于颅底和颈部之间的一个大孔洞。
以下是9个含有Foramen magnum的例句:
1. The foramen magnum is the opening through which the spinal cord passes from the brain to the rest of the body.(Foramen magnum是颅底上方神经干通过脑干下方与脊髓相连的一个孔洞。)
2. The size and shape of the foramen magnum can help determine the species of a skull.(Foramen magnum的大小和形状可以帮助确定头骨的物种。)
3. The foramen magnum is larger in humans than in other primates due to the upright posture.(由于人类的直立姿势,Foramen magnum比其他灵长类动物大。)
4. The foramen magnum has an important role in protecting the brainstem.(Foramen magnum在保护脑干方面起着重要作用。)
5. A tumor near the foramen magnum can cause serious neurological problems.(在Foramen magnum附近的肿瘤可能会引起严重的神经问题。)
6. The shape of the foramen magnum can also help determine the cause of death in a forensic investigation.(Foramen magnum的形状也可以帮助在法医调查中确定死因。)
7. The foramen magnum is positioned differently in fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.(鱼类、两栖动物、爬行动物、鸟类和哺乳动物的Foramen magnum位置不同。)
8. The foramen magnum in a child's skull is located more towards the back than in an adult's skull.(儿童头骨中的Foramen magnum位于更靠近头部后部,而不是成人的头骨。)
9. The foramen magnum is one of the defining features of the human skull.(Foramen magnum是人类头骨的一个定义特征之一。)