'Tim Berners-Lee'这个词语来源于英语,是一位英国计算机科学家和计算机工程师的名字。他是万维网(WWW)的发明者,也被认为是现代Web应用程序的奠基人之一。'Tim Berners-Lee'在中文中常翻译为蒂姆·伯纳斯-李或蒂姆·伯纳斯·李。
以下是9个包含'Tim Berners-Lee'的例句:
1. Tim Berners-Lee是Web的创始人。
(Tim Berners-Lee is the founder of the Web.)
2. 如果没有Tim Berners-Lee,我们可能不会有现在的互联网。
(Without Tim Berners-Lee, we might not have the internet we have today.)
3. Tim Berners-Lee是世界上最重要的计算机科学家之一。
(Tim Berners-Lee is one of the most important computer scientists in the world.)
4. Tim Berners-Lee改变了我们与世界互动的方式。
(Tim Berners-Lee changed the way we interact with the world.)
5. 蒂姆·伯纳斯-李发明了WWW,这让互联网变得更加易用。
(Tim Berners-Lee invented the WWW, which made the internet more user-friendly.)
6. Tim Berners-Lee在xx年发明了WWW,这个发明改变了世界。
(Tim Berners-Lee invented the WWW in 1989, which changed the world.)
7. Tim Berners-Lee和他的团队为我们带来了一个全新的数字时代。
(Tim Berners-Lee and his team brought us a whole new digital age.)
8. Tim Berners-Lee认为网络是公共资源,应该为所有人提供服务。
(Tim Berners-Lee believes that the web is a public resource and should be available to everyone.)
9. Tim Berners-Lee获得了许多奖项和荣誉,因为他的工作对世界产生了深远的影响。
(Tim Berners-Lee has received many awards and honors for his work, which has had a profound impact on the world.)