1. The agate-eyed dragon guards the treasure hoard.(玛瑙眼睛的龙守卫着财宝藏)
2. The agate bracelet glinted in the sun.(玛瑙手镯在阳光下闪闪发光)
3. It is said that agate can protect against negative energy.(据说玛瑙可以防护负能量)
4. The agate beads were strung together into a beautiful necklace.(玛瑙珠子被串在一起制成了一条漂亮的项链)
5. He was fascinated by the intricate patterns on the agate surface.(他着迷于玛瑙表面的复杂花纹)
6. The decorative agate box was a popular souvenir from the region.(装饰性玛瑙盒子是该地区的热门纪念品)
7. The agate vase was a prized possession in the ancient palace.(玛瑙花瓶是古代宫殿的珍贵藏品)
8. She wore an agate ring on her finger as a talisman for good luck.(她戴着一个玛瑙戒指,作为吉祥符带给她好运)
9. The agate sculpture of the goddess was the centerpiece of the exhibit.(女神的玛瑙雕塑是展览的中心)