1. Chalcididae是许多农作物害虫的天敌。
Chalcididae are natural enemies of many crop pests.
2. Chalcididae天生就是深海生物的主要饵料。
Chalcididae are the primary food for deep sea creatures.
3. 这个学者对Chalcididae科昆虫进行了深入的研究。
This scholar conducted an in-depth study of the insects in the Chalcididae family.
4. 在内陆地区,Chalcididae家族的昆虫数量相对较少。
In inland areas, the number of insects in the Chalcididae family is relatively low.
5. 许多农民都希望Chalcididae昆虫能够控制害虫数量。
Many farmers hope that Chalcididae insects can help control pests.
6. Chalcididae昆虫的产卵习惯通常会导致宿主的死亡。
The oviposition habits of Chalcididae insects usually result in the death of their host.
7. 这种植物是Chalcididae昆虫最常出没的地方。
This plant is where Chalcididae insects are most commonly found.
8. 虫草对Chalcididae昆虫有强烈的杀伤作用。
Cordyceps has a strong killing effect on Chalcididae insects.
9. Chalcididae昆虫会寄生于其他昆虫,从而掏空它们的身体。
Chalcididae insects parasitize other insects, hollowing out their bodies.