beta是什么意思 beta的读音、翻译、用法

beta是什么意思 beta的读音、翻译、用法



1. This software is currently in beta and will be released to the public soon. (这个软件目前处于beta阶段,不久将面向公众发布。)

2. I've been using the beta version of this app for a month now and it's been working well. (我已经使用这个应用的beta版本一个月了,一直运行良好。)

3. The beta testers found several bugs in the code that need to be fixed. (beta测试人员发现了几个需要修复的代码漏洞。)

4. The beta release of the game was met with mixed reviews from players. (游戏的beta版本在玩家群体中反响不一。)

5. We need to gather feedback from beta users in order to make improvements to the product. (我们需要从beta用户那里收集反馈,以便于改善产品。)

6. The beta version of the website has some additional features that will be added to the final release. (网站的beta版具有一些额外的功能,将在最终发布版中添加。)

7. The beta program allows users to try out new features before they are officially released. (beta计划使用户能够在正式发布之前尝试新功能。)

8. The beta version of the app is only available to a select group of testers. (应用的beta版本只对选定的测试人员开放。)

9. We're hoping that the beta release will help us identify and resolve any issues before the official launch. (我们希望beta发布版能够帮助我们在正式发布之前确定并解决任何问题。)

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